Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread.
We were considering Dover Court
International School (DCIS) and then spoke to some other expats that are not returning to Dover Court International school after the end of this term. Some have had shocking experiences with ensuring full inclusion.
They said the school has changed for the worst, driven mostly because of the private equity ownership (Nord Anglia) that it's all about simplicity and maximising investor profits, $$$ verse student welfare. Apparently there are good teachers that also feel the change in the schools approach to student welfare and there is a ground swell for them to leave. I'm told the turning point was the new heads of year and principle placing the school under strict new management. So in summary lots of disgruntled parents and teachers that want to escape the despot regime! Will look at other
International Schools and double check that they are as inclusive as they have advertised.
Disappointed since it was so close to our intended new
condo. Any other recommendations on schools still focused predominantly on student welfare?