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SGns arrested accused of illegal fishing off Tioman

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SGns arrested accused of illegal fishing off Tioman

Post by JR8 » Tue, 17 Nov 2015 4:58 pm

12 November. ... g-1.450651

Translated excerpt:
'Two boats carrying passengers detained in Ops Perkasa Timor and Mars by the Maritime Ops each about 9.40 and 10.20 am on Saturday in waters off Pulau Tioman.
The two boats each class A fishing boat and fiberglass boat was found guilty of abuse and neglect safety license to carry passengers for the purpose of fishing.
Acting Head of the Maritime District enforcement 8 (Pahang), Commander Maritime Mohd Sulhan Zainon said, when both boats were detained not far from Pulau Tioman, respectively within 0.5 and 6.5 nautical miles.
"At 9.40 am today (Monday) when an army patrol Maritime Ops Ops Perkasa Timor and Mars aboard the patrol KM Tatau, they stopped a fiberglass boat carrying five passengers Singaporeans.
"The two boats were arrested escorted to get into Fat Tanjung Marina Jetty before being handed over to the investigating officer Maritim for further action. All the passengers were released after their statements were recorded, "he said.
The first case is being investigated under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance (MSO) in 1952 for offenses compromising the safety of passengers while the second case under Section 8 (b) of the Fisheries Act 1985 for the carriage of passengers by boat fish.'
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