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STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

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STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by astaroth » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 6:00 pm

Hi everyone, my spouse is a Chinese national and we were recently married. She is currently residing in Singapore under the STVP while I am applying the LTVP for her. May I know whether anyone here has the experience of applying for J2 visas here in Singapore? Given her status, will it be possible to apply in Singapore and what documents are necessary?

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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by JR8 » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 6:31 pm

astaroth wrote:Hi everyone, my spouse is a Chinese national and we were recently married. She is currently residing in Singapore under the STVP while I am applying the LTVP for her. May I know whether anyone here has the experience of applying for J2 visas here in Singapore? Given her status, will it be possible to apply in Singapore and what documents are necessary?
The situation isn't that clear to me...
You're SGn/SC.
Your wife is CN, currently in SG on an SVP.
You are sponsoring her for a SGn LTVP.

Er, you are considering going on the Exchange Visitor Program to the US? Under a US J-1 visa? And want to take her with you, under a J-2 [Dependent's of J-1] visa?

If that's correct, then maybe start here -> ... -and-fees/
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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by astaroth » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 6:43 pm

Hi thank you very much for the link, I apologise for the lack of clarity and indeed the situation is as what you've mentioned. I am heading for a postdoc in the US and I would like to bring my spouse along. Would it be possible to apply for the J2 visa here in Singapore while on the STVP/LTVP status?

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Re: RE: Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by astaroth » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 6:44 pm

astaroth wrote:Hi thank you very much for the link, I apologise for the lack of clarity and indeed the situation is as what you've mentioned. I am heading for a postdoc in the US and I would like to bring my spouse along. Would it be possible for my wife and I to apply for the J2 visa for her here in Singapore while she is on the STVP/LTVP status?

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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by JR8 » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 7:13 pm

What does the linked page say on the matter? If it isn't specific on the point, then if I were you I'd ask the US embassy. I.e. I'd not heard of this US visa until today, and I'd be surprised if anyone here has the current rules and regs at their finger-tips.

When would you be heading to the US? The LTVP is quite a fiddle and $ to apply for if your departure is imminent.
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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 7:28 pm

Frankly, I don't think the LTVP or the application for same or actually having received it would make one iota of difference in this case, She is a CN citizen no matter where she is residing. therefore that is what the US will see (her nationality). No matter what country I go to, if I have to apply for a VISA (like India, for example) they don't give a whit about the fact that I'm a Singaporean PR, only that I'm an American and therefore should be charged 3 times as much as a Singaporean for the visa.

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Re: RE: Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by astaroth » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 7:47 pm

JR8 wrote:What does the linked page say on the matter? If it isn't specific on the point, then if I were you I'd ask the US embassy. I.e. I'd not heard of this US visa until today, and I'd be surprised if anyone here has the current rules and regs at their finger-tips.

When would you be heading to the US? The LTVP is quite a fiddle and $ to apply for if your departure is imminent.
The only line that possibly points to this issue is that is "You may schedule your interview at any U.S. Embassy or Consulate, but be aware that it may be difficult to qualify for a visa outside of your place of permanent residence." Hence I was wondering whether anyone here might have experience with this. I will be calling up the SG US embassy as well for the official stance.

The postdoc is next year March so hopefully I still have sufficient time, although the time is still rather tight.

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Re: RE: Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by astaroth » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 7:50 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:Frankly, I don't think the LTVP or the application for same or actually having received it would make one iota of difference in this case, She is a CN citizen no matter where she is residing. therefore that is what the US will see (her nationality). No matter what country I go to, if I have to apply for a VISA (like India, for example) they don't give a whit about the fact that I'm a Singaporean PR, only that I'm an American and therefore should be charged 3 times as much as a Singaporean for the visa.
So long as she can apply in Singapore I would be very happy, money is the last thing on my mind! Image

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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by BBCWatcher » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 9:13 pm

OK, this is pretty easy. Yes, she'll need a LTVP. Yes, with a LTVP in principle she should be able to apply for a U.S. J-2 in Singapore.

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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by JR8 » Sun, 08 Nov 2015 9:41 pm

BBCWatcher wrote:OK, this is pretty easy. Yes, she'll need a LTVP. Yes, with a LTVP in principle she should be able to apply for a U.S. J-2 in Singapore.
Perhaps you're right; but it's an important question to the OP, so can you explain/quote/link the basis of your opinion?
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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by BBCWatcher » Mon, 09 Nov 2015 7:53 am

It's just a question of time. Arranging the J-1/J-2 visas will take some time, and a STVP won't provide enough of it even if she could apply at the U.S. Embassy in Singapore while holding a J-2 (and she cannot, as mentioned). Moreover, the J-2 requires evidence of the relationship with the J-1 applicant, and a STVP is certainly not helpful in that respect.

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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by astaroth » Tue, 10 Nov 2015 11:31 am

Please be informed that any person who is legally present in Singapore may apply for a visa here. However, applicants should decide where to apply based on more than just convenience or delay in getting an appointment in their home district. One thing to consider, for example is in which consular district the applicant can demonstrate the strongest ties. There is no guarantee that a visa will be issued, nor is there a guarantee of processing time. If refused, there is no refund of the application fee. Applicants are generally advised to apply in their country of nationality or residence.

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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by astaroth » Tue, 10 Nov 2015 11:33 am

For LTVP holders, is it true that their legal residential address still cannot be considered to be in Singapore?

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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by BBCWatcher » Tue, 10 Nov 2015 11:51 am

Let's back up a bit here.

First of all, the U.S. State Department decides matters related to U.S. visas. Whether the Singaporean government considers an LTVP holder's "legal residential address" to be in Singapore or not is immaterial. The U.S. decides for the U.S. if that issue is relevant to the U.S.

Here's what the U.S. State Department says (as mentioned upthread): "You may schedule your interview at any U.S. Embassy or Consulate, but be aware that it may be difficult to qualify for a visa outside of your place of permanent residence."

Spouses normally live together, and the LTVP is the primary way a foreign spouse can legally live in Singapore with his/her PR or citizen spouse. The U.S. government certainly understands this concept. The reason for the caution is that most visa applications require that the U.S. State Department evaluate whether the applicant has immigration intent and is a risk of overstaying in the U.S. A spouse in a legitimate relationship with strong ties of his/her own to Singapore including especially to his/her spouse generally clears that particular hurdle.

As mentioned the U.S. embassy may be able to provide some advice, but for now I see no problem in lodging both visa applications in Singapore provided both members of the household are truly married and have binding ties to Singapore, including (for the foreign spouse) a LTVP. Indeed it'd be more odd to apply separately since a J-2 is subordinate to a J-1.

Bottom line: Is this marriage genuine or not? Genuinely married couples normally live together! If you want to bring your genuine spouse to the United States then at least act like you're genuinely married. ;)

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Re: STVP/LTVP applying for US J2 visa in Singapore

Post by astaroth » Tue, 10 Nov 2015 11:59 am

Thank you very much for the advice, it is very much appreciated. So I suppose it is an added plus that I am bonded to Singapore for this postdoc?

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