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by JR8 » Sat, 07 Nov 2015 2:56 am
He's struggling with O's, and you're fretting about uni? Perhaps he's wilting under the burden of future expectations that he presently cannot even conceive?
I wasn't academic but got rammed down that path by means of 'family expectations'. Square peg/round hole = never going to work.
No notable entrepreneur has succeeded at anything 'mainstream', not least anything one's parents would advocate. By definition it drives them nuts as it constrains and limits them. In fact most of them seem to be Ivy League/Oxbridge *drop-outs* ... QED? Perhaps you should welcome your young boy getting to say Oxford, then having the guts to drop out after a year. It's usually a good sign, but sure as hell mum and dad and the neighbours won't be impressed until maybe, he arrives home 20 years later in a Bentley. But when you're an adult: That is their problem, and their social constraints no longer have any relevance.
'Do it or do not do it: You will regret both' - Kierkegaard