Yes, when I referred to Germany I meant at the 'man on the street' level rather than state/political level. Maybe it easier at the 'elites' level, since the refugees with the parallel deep social issues that tend to come with them, won't end up living next door to Merkel, or competing for her job.
In the UK Blair engineered something similar. He opened the flood-gates to immigration knowing those grateful people who would have 'free everything' for life (housing, benefits, edu, health etc) would therefore likely vote for his party in future. His goal was to make it such that his party could never get voted out again. Incredibly, unspeakably, cynical and self-serving. No wonder these refugees and economic migrants are so eager to get to the UK, it's like the mythical promised land for them.
They've turned some northern cities into virtual no-go zones. Even parts of London can be hostile to the 'natives'. I think I posted some info/links a while back how some of these immigrant youth organised themselves into 'sharia patrols' in Whitechapel. Whitechapel being the same distance (c1300M) from the heart of the City of London, as Robertson Quay is to Raffles Place. Imagine going out for an evening at the Quays and having a self-appointed violent rabble of youths ordering you out of 'their neighbourhood', or simply kicking your head in because you're holding hands with your girlfriend or drinking a beer...
And again I agree with you in that you're starting to see some push-back from German youth. You can understand why, you can't paint a whole society as perpetually guilty for the sins of their fathers. But of course there is no signal/flag to raise to say 'It's ok, you can stop expressing guilt now'. You are starting to see something of a re-emergence of Germany as an international power*. As expected the moves are small and pretty discreet; sending peace-keeping troops into various international hot-spots is one more recent example. Unfortunately there are also examples of unilateral er... arrogance, like how Germany took it upon themselves to represent the EU and go and beat the living crap out of Greece. In large part that's why that behaviour was so disgraceful; German unilateralism historically has grievous consequences. Everyone sees that but themselves. One reason for the EU to exist at all, why it was created, was to limit the ability of Germany to exert unilateral power (aka invade neighbouring countries). That's why I likened their behaviour towards Greece as 'Sending the tanks in'. We really don't want to see that kind of side of Germany ever again. You would have thought they had well and truly learned and changed... but then I see things like that and it really worries me that perhaps they haven't.
So most of the neo-Nazis are young and from the underclasses. They see the camaraderie and buzz of collective power, but they weren't there last time to see the logical/inevitable/catastrophic conclusion of their own beliefs. I wonder if you could work up a maxim that applies, 'Societies tend to repeat their most calamitous mistakes each three generations'... [laughing to self...].
An example of 'the youth don't see it how the older folks do' reminds me of two things. 1) a Sex Pistols video that features Sid Vicious walking around Paris in a swastika T-shirt, intentionally intimidating the hell out of various random pensioners that he encounters. Many of whom likely lived in Paris or France under the Nazi occupation. So wide is the generation gap that that was intended as entertaining for a young audience. [Edit/add: - 'Sid Vicious in Paris']
2) Also during the punk/new-wave era, it was one of the trending things to do to wear several 'button-badges', pin-badges about 2cm wide, on the lapel of your school blazer. Mostly band logos and so on. We all did it to various extents. I remember one time I thought it would be cool to add a couple of military medals and their ribbons into the mix. And on one side I had the Commonwealth War Cross (WW2), and on the other I had a WW1 German Iron Cross. Probably thought that was edgy and cool... who knows!
Until lunch that first day when a schoolmaster (most likely a veteran) spotted me in the canteen... oh boy, he just about lost the plot then. Anyway, it taught me a valuable lesson, some things it's just better to respect, whether you understand or agree/disagree with them.
* It could be interesting to compare/contrast with Japan, which is in something of a similar position.