I am writing in regards of setting up my own business in Singapore – I recently moved to Singapore and I am on a Dependant Pass; my former employer in Europe would like me to keep working for them. Following the advice of several people and also reading some posts in the forum, I recently incorporated a sole proprietorship and obtained a registration number.
On the website www.entersingaporebusiness.info I read the following:
“Dependant Pass Holders may apply for a Letter of Consent to work for their own company once they can provide the ACRA profile of their sole proprietorship. You need to include a letter authorizing yourself to hire yourself on behalf of your business. Don't forget to apply your corporate stamp.”
Since I am only working with a foreign client, do I still need a LoC? As I have a registration number, shouldn't I be able to just invoice my employer in Europe, get paid here and pay taxes here?
If the LoC is absolutely mandatory, I was wondering where I can find the necessary forms for application, self-employment letter, corporate stamp and anything else needed.
Thank you very much in advance for your help!