Wait til Johor secede from the Malaysia Federation ....AndrewV wrote:Unless you are very wealthy, retiring in America will be difficult. Most will probably aim for a place which has free healthcare.kaseyma wrote:I don't think that dual citizenship will make a difference for Singaporeans.
Many are giving up their American citizenship and the burdensome tax and FATCA procedures that come with it.
I am not condoning the abuse of the system (in fact I think it is wrong to do this), what I am saying is that, from a government known for it's shrewd handling of liability and cost, why are they not considering handing off the old-age problem to another country. Dual citizenship would allow the old folk to be another countries problem. so Singapore could get the maximum out of these people while they are in their economically productive years, and then have them be someone else's problem while they are old.
The defence argument may not hold as even Israel allows dual citizenship.
Again, I am looking at it from the point of view of a number crunching, liability minimising entity.
Job done for Sing Govt , they will be punting old folks over there like its going out of style.