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Recommendations for Speech Therapist?

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Recommendations for Speech Therapist?

Post by lilmissmommy » Wed, 16 Sep 2015 6:13 pm

Hi all,

I have an almost 3 y.o. son who is speech delayed. He is really trying to communicate, but his words are very unclear and some even come out as gibberish. He understands what we are saying and can follow instructions. He is also attending preschool (Montessori) and do not have problems interacting or socialising with kids and with his teachers.

He has done 16 sessions of speech therapy with Thomson Child Development Center, but it did not really help. At the 10th session, the therapist sort of "gave up" and told us our son needed OT, which I don't really believe. Her methods weren't working and I guess she didn't know what else she could do.

Does anyone have any experience with a speech centre/therapist here? Given that the fees are so high, I really would like to find one who is passionate and is genuinely concerned about the child, and does not look at him as an "enterprise".

Appreciate your help.


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Re: Recommendations for Speech Therapist?

Post by amarok » Thu, 17 Sep 2015 6:26 am

As with many other services in SIngapore the quality of ST services is rather bad. If the problem of your son is something not very typical (a book case) you would need a lot of luck. Having said that, I know a good one but unfortunately can not recommend her because she is my wife and she is fully booked anyway. I asked her to look at your message and she suggested you may try this one (just google her out): Ms. Sheryl Lau - Speech Therapist.

For the mods/admins: I am a regular on this forum, just don't want to make any obvious links to the real life persons. I did not hide my IP so feel free to check the associations.

Posts: 4
Joined: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 3:13 pm

Re: Recommendations for Speech Therapist?

Post by lilmissmommy » Thu, 17 Sep 2015 6:23 pm

Thanks, amorok! Will research the ST that you recommended.

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