You need a letter of consent (LOC) from MoM to work on a dependents pass. Read the LOC and dependents pass threads in this section.hmacmillan123 wrote:Hello, I have just moved to Singapore on a dependency pass and have just read your post. It concerns me as I am also an Interior Designer. I have just began my search so have not experienced this yet but I am concerned that I will now struggle. Have you had any positive outcome since your post? I understand it may concern employers but you can work on a DP as long as the EP gives written permission for the DP to work?
But not Christian, right?PNGMK wrote:You need to be legally gay here to work as interior designer. Also colour blind.
Not unless you want a mural of "Follow the Rainbow" imposed on old pinky's face on your wall.Strong Eagle wrote:But not Christian, right?PNGMK wrote:You need to be legally gay here to work as interior designer. Also colour blind.
Touche!PNGMK wrote:Not unless you want a mural of "Follow the Rainbow" imposed on old pinky's face on your wall.Strong Eagle wrote:But not Christian, right?PNGMK wrote:You need to be legally gay here to work as interior designer. Also colour blind.
This rings so true. Especially if you're trying to transfer into EP on your own merit, instead of relying in LOC as DP holder.martincymru wrote:If an Asian can do your job then you will struggle.
Most interior decorator companies are after the lucrative HDB business, where you need to be chinese or know chinese ..piyushdabomb wrote:Hi Everyone,
I was suggesting that maybe she freelanes, but it feels like a copout that she's not competent in this market.
My questions:
1. For dependent pass holders, what can she do to expedite the situation?
2. Do you know any interior design firms that is on the lookout for smart, talented, expats?
3. Should she try the freelancing route? If so, where can she go to get free lancing opportunities in interior design?
Any help is appreciated.
martincymru wrote:If an Asian can do your job then you will struggle.
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