The BBC are achingly right-on/multi-culti/PC. Example: I cannot imagine any other organisation that could get away with active positive discrimination in favour of women, alt sexualities and minority races. Despite which it was the broadcaster that aired this series for five years on it's flagship channels, that satirises and egregiously stereotypes Indians. That is simply because there is a huge dividing gulf between laughing AT someone else, vs laughing WITH them. And that's not all, the BBC sold broadcasting rights to amongst others.... guess who... India!
'In India it was also aired on Comedy Central...
ARY Digital has produced a Pakistani version of the show called Ghaffar at Dhoraji featuring a Gujarati family living in Karachi. Sony Television has produced an Indian version of the show called Batliwalla House No. 43 featuring a Parsee family living in Mumbai.'
Wow... where to begin this witch-hunt?

p.s. My mother is foreign, my wife is Asian. My brother-in-law is of Sub-Con extraction, and hence my 3 nieces/nephews are Sub-Con/Cauc mixed race: How many Caucasians are there in your family?