If you have a very angry boss, they can make your life difficult, and trust me, it can be bad. Especially if it's a small company. Only MNCs let you go instead of keeping you.vjtvjt wrote: It is ok to do that and yes you will have a bad record on your current company, but heck if I am your current company I would let you go because I knew it is a great risk keeping you, knowing you have that feeling.
In Philippine context, so you managed to run the gauntlet, get away for the numerous agency fees, processing fees (all of which would have sucked out half your salary for six months or more. .. ) etc etc and you found you can get a better pay as soon as you arrived ?Nicolyn wrote:
Direct hired here in Singapore so they did not exert so much resources from hiring me and in fact the HR who process my papers, Spass and the people interviewed me already resigned from this current company.
Yep, agreed. ... pretty easy until MOM says enough .. go back home. ..menudown wrote:now can get job and hop easily
It is a Dudette, not a dude, FYIKleenWayne70 wrote:I say go with your gut feeling. If higher pay but no prospect, don't bother. But if higher pay and you know will like it there.. just go for it! It's your life dude!
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