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Understanding the NS liability for PRs

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Re: Understanding the NS liability for PRs

Post by PNGMK » Mon, 07 Dec 2015 8:36 am

Strong Eagle wrote:
PNGMK wrote:Why the hell should Singapore taxpayers pay for an overseas screening centre? Good riddance.
How charitably "Christian" of you...
Don't be an idiot. What's this to do with Christianity? Why should a country that has open procedures; adequate embassies etc open a screening centre overseas for non resident PR's?
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
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Re: Understanding the NS liability for PRs

Post by Strong Eagle » Mon, 07 Dec 2015 9:41 am

PNGMK wrote:
Strong Eagle wrote:
PNGMK wrote:Why the hell should Singapore taxpayers pay for an overseas screening centre? Good riddance.
How charitably "Christian" of you...
Don't be an idiot. What's this to do with Christianity? Why should a country that has open procedures; adequate embassies etc open a screening centre overseas for non resident PR's?
Why the hell should a self pronounced "Christian" want to be charitable when it comes to answering a question?

I can come up with at least a half a dozen responses that are far more explanatory and charitable than your half assed response, "Why the hell should Singapore taxpayers pay for an overseas screening centre? Good riddance."

That doesn't sound Christian... it sounds f*cking angry... do you have an underlying passive aggressive anger issue?

Here is but one simple example of another way you could have answered.

"You need to understand that Singapore's resources are finite and that they cannot place overseas screening centers everywhere because of the cost. You could also have done more homework on your part so that you did not find yourself in this situation."

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Re: RE: Re: Understanding the NS liability for PRs

Post by ecureilx » Mon, 07 Dec 2015 9:44 am

Strong Eagle wrote:
Here is but one simple example of another way you could have answered.

"You need to understand that Singapore's resources are finite and that they cannot place overseas screening centers everywhere because of the cost. You could also have done more homework on your part so that you did not find yourself in this situation."
That's a very interesting way to rephrase it :)

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