If you like the story behind the scandal of NSA and Snowden then this is pretty much the equivalent for a private company in the same area.
In short, there is a company Hacking Team based in Italy (with an office in Singapore) that sells backdoor / hacking software to anybody who wants to pay. Ironically *** they got hacked themselves few days ago and a lot of stuff leaked out including the list of their customers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacking_T ... tomer_List).
Probably nobody is going to be surprised to find many gov agencies on that list.
Here is the whole story:
http://www.wired.com/2015/07/hacking-te ... -run-amok/
***) Double-ironically you may also ready this e-mail exchange between the SG office and the HQ in Italy. Start from the bottom.
https://wikileaks.org/hackingteam/email ... id/1069144