The message in itself is a copy paste of recommended message to enrol volunteers if parents choose a son-rise program for their child.
In itself it might lend credence that OP and message was genuine.
The idea behind son-rise is actually nicer than a lot of other autism related programs and offers rather good results, the idea being to encourage the child to communicate by joining him/her in what he/she likes to do and then once trust is built, broaden the interest.
Problem is that those programs are impossible to manage without volunteers... they are way too time consuming for parents alone to manage.
Early intervention in autism means usually at least 20 hours a week of individual therapies according to current recommendations.
Autism in Singapore...
Touchy subject

Like anything special needs!
A lof of services are saturated, schools like Pathlight don't even have room for all the SG citizens, PRs have no chance, let's not even talk about DPs.
It means that there is a really time sensitive race: child must be compliant with the norm enough to attend a mainstream school with minor adjustment by the time they reach P1 age, otherwise you're SOL