I would suggest 2-3 copies locally on different media of different age (e.g. 2 pcs of hdd based storage with hdds at least from 2 different production lots) and one at some remote location. The cloud is a good idea (see the recent Amazon storage offer mentioned in a different thread, also some other) but, my more personal concern, would be encryption of the data and automation of the process.Sporkin wrote:That's what I'm getting at regarding resilience, you can lose a lot of information on the analog format and have the undamaged parts 'play' relatively well. With digital, damage in the wrong area can make the whole disc unreadable without special software and hardware. Incidentally what would be the best way to archive important stuff these days short of carving it in stone? Cloud storage?
I set up a backup-server at my FiL's back in Europe and just do cron based rsync but for more typical Windows/Mac users the cloud based storage is indeed a very attractive solution.