I'm soon finishing my studies in civil engineering, specialized in structural engineering. Looking for jobs in Singapore from abroad, I found that almost all companies are relatively large (100+ employees). However, I think I'm mainly interested in medium-sized companies of about 40-100 employees. The problem is that companies of this size often have a small web presence which means that I can't find them easily and that it's harder to judge the quality of the company sometimes (especially when their references look good but the website looks like shit).
That's why I came to this forum: Where I live now, the students and engineers usually know which offices are the better ones, simply from their reputation. Can someone say which are the good structural engineering offices in Singapore? I'm looking for those that design structures (steel/concrete/wood) from the early phases of the project, I'm not particularly interested in the detail planning that happens right before or even during construction. I'm especially interested in tall buildings and steel structures.
Other comments about this industry in Singapore (salary, office culture, ...) are also welcome!
Thanks in advance.