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Advice on relocating

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Advice on relocating

Post by Marcu » Wed, 19 Jan 2005 3:56 pm

My partner of 5 years (we are not legally married) and I are relocating to Singapore. I do not have a problem with an employment pass. Will she be able to live with me indefnitely and later possibly work in Singapore?
What is the legal position? Does she need to apply for anything to live there or does she qualify as my spouse (common law wife)?

Please help


Post by Guest » Wed, 19 Jan 2005 5:50 pm

I think there can be issues with a non-married couple. From what I understand, she's probably not be eligible for a dependent pass unless she is legally married to you. It will likely be much easier on you if you just do a civil ceremony in your home country so she can get a dependent pass to stay indefinitely & work once she finds a job -- you can work on a dependent pass. Otherwise, I think you'd be looking at a 3 month social visit pass or something along those lines.


Post by Guest » Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:24 pm

Thank you for the reply

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Post by bakesy » Thu, 20 Jan 2005 1:01 pm


I came to Singapore with my boyfriend and son. We had to go to a solicitor here to clarify that we have been living together as common law husband and wife. I think our application was approved due to the fact that we have a son together.

Perhaps consult a solicitor on this matter.

Good luck

Guest same situation

Post by Guest same situation » Wed, 02 Feb 2005 3:06 pm

I'm currently going through the same process - if you have a P1 or P2 EP type, you just need to go to a commissioner of oaths here in Singapore and have a Statutory Declaration (S.D) drawn up saying that you lived together since xxx as common law husband and wife, that'll cost you around SGD 200. You then need to take the doc to your Embassy to have a letter drawn up by them which actually says exactly the same as the S.D at a cost of SGD 80!!! Finally, you need to complete the form no 14 for the Long Term Social Visit pass, get your company to stamp it and sign etc as the sponsor, make sure it's completed properly and all the necessary docs are with it, should take around 2 weeks to process and is valid for 6 months. Not sure what nationality your girlfriend is but if she doesnt need an entry visa, she can just go to Malaysia or Bintan for the weekend and come back in to renew her tourist visa until the LTSVP is approved, hope this helps - good luck !!!

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Long term social visit pass

Post by Vanyh » Mon, 28 Feb 2005 2:45 pm

I just did the procedure and I was asked a bit different things. My boyfriend has a working permit.
I had to:

- Fill the form for Long Term Social visit pass (4 pages, + stamped by my bf company) + one identity picture
- Get a document from our home country stating that we have lived there together, (city hall doc for each of us stating where we lived = same address)
- Go to the embassy to get this doc certified (needed my and my bf passport with me and it cost 66SGD)
- My bf wrote a hand written letter stating that we have lived together this amount of time at this address in home country, and live now together at this address in Singapore.
- Photocopy of my passport

That was it, and what MOM told me I needed to do. Now I am waiting for the answer which takes about 2-3 weeks. About the validity, I asked it to be valid as long as my bf working permit which is 2006.

Hope this helps!

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