Something else to note, he's on a UK license. The UK license (at least the one I have) effectively doesn't expire during ones working life*, so renewing it or changing it is not something a Brit considers; it is 'off ones radar'. I appreciate the issue of 'license conversion when becoming resident in a foreign jurisdiction' etc. I'm sure the SGn cops/authorities are familiar with the scenario re: Brits, let's hope he gets a sympathetic hearing.
*My own license was issued in the 1980s, and only requires renewing on something like my 70th, 75th birthday [?]. My father recently went through this, and IIRC it required a visit to the doctor, and certification that he was still mentally fit to drive. That is then required every few years, from that age.
I've never driven here, so never had a SGn license. This stint here, MrsJR8 decided to buy a car, cheap from a relative. I can't drive it since, we'd already lived here 1yr+ when she bought it, and I can't be bothered applying for a SGn license now, from scratch, given how rarely I might wish to drive.