I wonder why they don't have something like the 'Open House' programme* here? I've participated in London, it's free, and I know it exists in other countries. I've been in otherwise closed places, like inside Marble Arch in London (truly weird!

I sometimes get a feeling here that the cultures are somewhat... er, 'together apart'. When I visit the local town-centre there is a sign for the 'Racial Harmony Hub', so there seems to be acceptance something might benefit from improving. Wouldn't helping x-cultural insight and understanding contribute?
I'd find it fascinating to see first hand inside say both a Chinese and Indian temple, and learn something of the significance. But also so many other places. I suppose in a way it's like 'Tourism - Level 3+', you've already done stages 1 (the stop-over), and 2 (living here some time).
The above link seems light on the historical and cultural aspects of it, IME...