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Need advice from someone in interior design industry

Posted: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 1:50 pm
by cross88
I'm new on this forum so I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Marcin, I'm from Poland, very nice to meet all of you here on this forum! :)

I'm trying to get a job in interior design industry in SG. My experience is 3,5 year in automotive as quality specialist (I have masters in quality management). Half year ago I left Poland and ended up in china. I'm now working as project manager in exhibition industry, we are building stands, booths on fairs. My manager used to work in interior and from what he says it sounds that those two industries are quite similar.

From obvious reasons I can't ask him directly about similarities between those industries :wink:
Can you share with me how typical project looks in interior industry? Usual build-up/assembly time, average sqm per project, how many workers usually build, etc? Your advices?

Meaby I'm wasting time sending my CVs for project coordinator/manager positions? Because no response so far :(