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the lynx
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by the lynx » Fri, 06 Mar 2015 7:47 pm
x9200 wrote:
Damn, they deserve more then 3 strokes.

Pfft they didn't make an effort to make it a work of art. I'd have been a little more compassionate if they pull a Banksy work.
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by Barnsley » Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:19 am
x9200 wrote:
Damn, they deserve more then 3 strokes.

One mans vandalism is another mans art .......
They knew the rules , so have to pay the price.
Surely having them clean it off would have been a better solution.
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by ecureilx » Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:32 am
Barnsley wrote:
Surely having them clean it off would have been a better solution.
That's the same argument i heard from a sub-con friend, when I saw him flicking the cigerette butt . .. he just said he will pick it up, if somebody asks .. but that doesn't work in SG

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by x9200 » Sat, 07 Mar 2015 1:58 pm
Barnsley wrote:x9200 wrote:
Damn, they deserve more then 3 strokes.

One mans vandalism is another mans art .......
They knew the rules , so have to pay the price.
Surely having them clean it off would have been a better solution.
Whether this is art or not is irrelevant. They can vand-art-lize whatever they want if this is their
property and not someone else.
Clean it, if possible, yes as an additional "punishment", it's a good idea, but I doubt this can be just cleaned.
And lastly, a better solution for whom? Them, sure. If Singapore treated this kind of cases lightly things like this would not happened once every few years but everyday.
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by JR8 » Sat, 07 Mar 2015 3:01 pm
Curious it looks like half the paint has washed off, or, the trains are officially painted using paint that repels others?
It looks like they were trying to create a large 'tag', i.e. the signature of their graffiti identity. Observe the 5 or so large characters/letters? Outlined in white, within which much of the pale blue paint appears to have run off...
Or maybe this is after having been sent through their car-wash like carriage cleaner...
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by ecureilx » Sat, 07 Mar 2015 3:39 pm
x9200 wrote:Whether this is art or not is irrelevant. They can vand-art-lize whatever they want if this is their
property and not someone else.
Clean it, if possible, yes as an additional "punishment", it's a good idea, but I doubt this can be just cleaned.
And lastly, a better solution for whom? Them, sure. If Singapore treated this kind of cases lightly things like this would not happened once every few years but everyday.
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by zzm9980 » Sat, 07 Mar 2015 7:18 pm
Barnsley wrote:
They knew the rules , so have to pay the price.
Surely having them clean it off would have been a better solution.
I agree. In addition to the caning. Maybe a shorter stay at Changi though, to lower the State's costs of housing.
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by PNGMK » Sun, 08 Mar 2015 3:19 pm
Germans Spray paint train
Tag with silly name
Got pain from the cane.
OK missing the seasonal reference for Haiku.
There were two young germans
who foollishly decided to Spray paint some trains
They Tagged it with names
and then suffered such pain on their buttocks from the rattan cane.
(Limerick form)
Two young germans came to singapore doo dah doo dah
they decided to spray pain some trains doo dah doo dah
The court decided they'd pay the price doo dah doo dah
they ended up being caned on their nice arses oh doo da daaaay.
(Campbell town song form)
(It seriously fills me with joy that these arrogant shit heads are suffering good old corporal punishment for this - I'm just little concerned that 'stripes' might become a significant hallmark of fame in the tagging community in the future -
"Yeah mate - I'm Banksy - I've tagged trains from Alasak to Zimbabwe" -
"Yeah mate but have you got your stripes?" -
"What stripes?" -
"the ones on your ass to show you've tagged a Singapore train like Fricker has?").
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by PNGMK » Sun, 08 Mar 2015 3:34 pm
A small addendum - Fricker (The Swiss vandal) was arrested on his return to Zurich for vandalism in his home country.
http://www.expatica.com/ch/news/country ... 21661.html
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by maneo » Mon, 09 Mar 2015 3:43 am
PNGMK wrote:Two young germans came to singapore doo dah doo dah
they decided to spray pain some trains doo dah doo dah
The court decided they'd pay the price doo dah doo dah
they ended up being caned on their nice arses oh doo da daaaay.
(Campbell town song form)
That should be the "Camptown Races" song.

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by JR8 » Mon, 09 Mar 2015 8:46 am
maneo wrote:That should be the "Camptown Races" song.

Not being familiar with that song title I YouTube'd it... and was like

THAT song!
"Camptown Races" sung by Al Jolson
This reminds me of something similar that was popular in the UK 1960-late70s or so, called 'The black and white minstrel show'.
'The Black & White Minstrel Show 1978 - Part 1'
The 'blacks' were all whites in make-up, of course. And the linked was Pt1 of their last ever show.
Truly bizarre now looking back at such things!
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