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Actually quite helpful. Although it doesn't translate 100% to Singapore, it's a good video for friends thinking of going to Indo.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
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Yeah, love her "How to act Indonesian" videos. And I've yet to find an Indonesian I've shown who was offended. Similar videos about Singapore would have the poor bule/ang moh forced into hiding.
zzm9980 wrote:Yeah, love her "How to act Indonesian" videos. And I've yet to find an Indonesian I've shown who was offended. Similar videos about Singapore would have the poor bule/ang moh forced into hiding.
Yup, will never find a video from ang moh talking about life in Singapore. But you will always find a locally-made video featuring an ang moh talking about life in Singapore.
zzm9980 wrote:Yeah, love her "How to act Indonesian" videos. And I've yet to find an Indonesian I've shown who was offended. Similar videos about Singapore would have the poor bule/ang moh forced into hiding.
Because Indonesians have a sense of humor.
"A quokka is what would happen if there was an anime about kangaroos."
zzm9980 wrote:Yeah, love her "How to act Indonesian" videos. And I've yet to find an Indonesian I've shown who was offended. Similar videos about Singapore would have the poor bule/ang moh forced into hiding.
Because Indonesians have a sense of humor.
Should I say Singaporeans' reaction to such, if they do, maybe mild .. compared to .. pinas?
Actually if you read the comments below, many Indonesians do not appreciate her sense of humour, saying stuff in Bahasa Indonesia like "Go back to the hole where you crawl from".
the lynx wrote:Actually if you read the comments below, many Indonesians do not appreciate her sense of humour, saying stuff in Bahasa Indonesia like "Go back to the hole where you crawl from".
she is very unpopular because she uncovers all those things Indonesians don't want the outside world to see.
Kudos to her though, a lot of people who decide to move to Indonesia know exactly what to expect when they arrive there.
To get there early is on time and showing up on time is late
the lynx wrote:Actually if you read the comments below, many Indonesians do not appreciate her sense of humour, saying stuff in Bahasa Indonesia like "Go back to the hole where you crawl from".
Well, of the dozen or so Indonesians I've shown them to they all laugh their asses off. The demographic is a bit skewed towards young and female though.
Sup good people. Recently, I got a job offer in Singapore (at NUS) and I am a foreigner from a country nearby Singapore.
I'd like to ask if you guys...
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Rediffusion was still a thing when I got here in 82 but after dialectic programming stopped in that year, subscriptions dwindled rapidly and...