We've finally come to a decision on which
International School to send our son to, but are now at a loss as to when to switch him. The kindergarten he's in is on the local system, meaning the school year ends in December. He is in K2 this year, and he and his little mates have all been together since N1, they are a very tight group. However, the international school system starts in August. He'll be going into Grade 1 at that point. But it seems such a shame for him to miss the last few months of his schooling, and his graduation ceremony, with his kindy school mates. Any advice from those already at the
International Schools or who have made the switch before? I'd assumed most kids would switch at the beginning of the international school year if they had the choice, but would my kid be the only one coming in at January instead if we chose to finish the year out at his kindy? Or are there plenty of other new kids in Jan?