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Unmarried Australian spouse following partner to Singapore

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Strong Eagle
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Re: Unmarried Australian spouse following partner to Singapo

Post by Strong Eagle » Wed, 18 Feb 2015 11:02 pm

Gents, believe it or not, a round trip ticket, IAH - SIN - IAH, can be had right now for US$ 811... pretty amazing when you consider it would cost me US$ 742 to fly to LAX.

It's also crawfish season... I'll bring out a cooler of crawfish, corn, and new potatoes as well, just to sweeten the pot, as it were.

@angieh - I'd definitely tie the knot in AU, not Singapore. In addition to all the aforementioned reasons, you do have to remember that the granting of a dependents pass is entirely up to the gahmen, and were they to view your Singapore marriage as one of "convenience", you would be SOL.

OTOH, getting married in AU suggests that you have decided to formalize your relationship prior to arriving in Singapore. Easier to explain and support. Just do a good pre-nup!

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