This is the first I've heard of this, indeed this new policy is barely a month old, thought it might be of use to some people in future...
'Pre-Marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Assessment
Singapore Citizen - Non-Resident (SC-NR) couples are encouraged to jointly submit a Pre-marriage LTVP Assessment (PMLA) to provide greater clarity on whether the intended non-resident spouse can qualify for long term stay in Singapore.
With effect from 1 January 2015, the LTVP application process for SC-NR couples is revised. Under the revised process:
· SC-NR couples can jointly make a submission for PMLA prior to their marriage.
· SC-NR couples who are assessed by ICA to be eligible for LTVP will be issued a Letter of LTVP Eligibility (LLE) that is valid for one year.
· SC-NR couples can then use the LLE in their application for LTVP after their marriage.
· SC-NR couples who do not go through the PMLA will face a longer processing time when they submit an application for LTVP after marriage
SC-NR couples may click here for more information on how to submit the PMLA via the new e-Service, Electronic Visit Pass (Long Term) Assessment and Application (e-VPAA).'
This reminds me of various previous now defunct similar schemes.