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SC + Foreigner : 'Pre-marriage LTVP'

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SC + Foreigner : 'Pre-marriage LTVP'

Post by JR8 » Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:07 pm

This is the first I've heard of this, indeed this new policy is barely a month old, thought it might be of use to some people in future...

'Pre-Marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Assessment
Singapore Citizen - Non-Resident (SC-NR) couples are encouraged to jointly submit a Pre-marriage LTVP Assessment (PMLA) to provide greater clarity on whether the intended non-resident spouse can qualify for long term stay in Singapore.
With effect from 1 January 2015, the LTVP application process for SC-NR couples is revised. Under the revised process:
· SC-NR couples can jointly make a submission for PMLA prior to their marriage.
· SC-NR couples who are assessed by ICA to be eligible for LTVP will be issued a Letter of LTVP Eligibility (LLE) that is valid for one year.
· SC-NR couples can then use the LLE in their application for LTVP after their marriage.
· SC-NR couples who do not go through the PMLA will face a longer processing time when they submit an application for LTVP after marriage
SC-NR couples may click here for more information on how to submit the PMLA via the new e-Service, Electronic Visit Pass (Long Term) Assessment and Application (e-VPAA).'

This reminds me of various previous now defunct similar schemes.
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Re: SC + Foreigner : 'Pre-marriage LTVP'

Post by ecureilx » Thu, 12 Feb 2015 11:00 pm

JR8 wrote:This is the first I've heard of this, indeed this new policy is barely a month old, thought it might be of use to some people in future....
possibly eliminates the pain of the Govt receiving nasty cussing when they find out their wife had past deportation/problem/law breaking .. or other issues that complicate stuff

like a guy I know who's wife forgot to tell the husband about her past marriage, as in her eyes, it was over .. but not legally .

it is a good thing, I would say ..

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Re: SC + Foreigner : 'Pre-marriage LTVP'

Post by JR8 » Thu, 12 Feb 2015 11:10 pm

AFAIR the 'common law spouse' avenue was severely restricted, if not closed. I could be wrong on that of course, and confusing it with foreigner + spouse LTVP entitlement.

This seems to be something of a reopening perhaps, at least when one half is an SC.
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Re: SC + Foreigner : 'Pre-marriage LTVP'

Post by PNGMK » Fri, 13 Feb 2015 10:46 am

JR8 wrote:AFAIR the 'common law spouse' avenue was severely restricted, if not closed. I could be wrong on that of course, and confusing it with foreigner + spouse LTVP entitlement.

This seems to be something of a reopening perhaps, at least when one half is an SC.

No - it's actually more like the MOM rule about WP holders marrying... basically the gahmen is saying "ask for permission before you get married lah".
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Re: SC + Foreigner : 'Pre-marriage LTVP'

Post by zzm9980 » Fri, 13 Feb 2015 11:30 am

PNGMK wrote:
JR8 wrote:AFAIR the 'common law spouse' avenue was severely restricted, if not closed. I could be wrong on that of course, and confusing it with foreigner + spouse LTVP entitlement.

This seems to be something of a reopening perhaps, at least when one half is an SC.

No - it's actually more like the MOM rule about WP holders marrying... basically the gahmen is saying "ask for permission before you get married lah".
Exactly. Best to find out if your future spouse was previously deported, or a had a WP for 'Singer/Performer' (euphemism for bar girl).

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Re: SC + Foreigner : 'Pre-marriage LTVP'

Post by triste » Fri, 13 Feb 2015 3:22 pm

Spouses of citizens are now eligible for LOC work that was previously only for DP holders so that's a part of this as well.

Existing spouses of SC should know that there is now a special renewal portal just for spouse of SC, separate from other LTVP holders, and there are new questions on the renewal form, including "Do you intend to seek employment in Singapore?" They say the wait times for renewal are now longer for those of us who were processed prior to this new Pre-Marriage system, but once someone has gone through a check, renewals will be quicker. I guess we will find out.

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