[quote="PNGMK"]MCST's are often in for a rude shock when the
condo transitions from the developer management (under TOP) to the MC management - a lot of developers subsidize freebies to get purchasers in and the MC takes this for granted but one the developer is out... well then the MC has the problem of meeting all those costs with a limited number of owners. quote]
This. Check the fine print of any new condo development that boasts about a shuttle bus service. You'll see that it always states that the service is subsidized by the developer for limited period after the TOP and charges may apply later, subject to the MCST.
As I mentioned, it is standard for the maintenance of the facilities to be factored into the rent that the tenant pays therefore eliminating the need for usage charges. (It's not always overtly stated in your lease agreement though.) As PNGMK points out, when projects are not fully sold the management fees per owner increases and, if owner is not willing to pay, guess what happens?
"Both politicians and nappies need to be changed regularly, and for the same reasons."