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Information on MOM job application status

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Information on MOM job application status

Post by thestar1234 » Sat, 24 Jan 2015 11:29 pm

hello fellow expats and forum members,

Just last week, I had found and applied for job here in Singapore, the applications were rejected and return the result : "ineligible, please find another candidate."

I am appalled and surprised. I had been living in Singapore for few years already, studying and getting my diploma and degree here. I had also use the online SAT and got the results that I qualify for S-pass and EP.

Feeling indignant, i followed up with my employers and told them the situation and asked them to help enquire more on this. After repeated calls to them and MOM, I was told that, Mom said, the reason of my ineligibility was due to "bad record or past offences."

Now, this is getting worse, from being ineligible to be branded as criminal. Anyone have similar experiences?

I might not be a saint or some good samaritan that help the society 24/7, but I can be absolutely sure that I had yet to do any illegal stuffs or ever being detained and gotten any criminal records.

No matter how much I pry or ask, I just can't get the reason or informations out of them, they are not willing to tell me this no matter what. It is like they are giving me a death sentence and chasing me away from this country.

The only related thing I could think of is my name. My name consist of just a word, no first name and last name stuff, just one name. Probably because of that, every single time I entered Singapore( after my student pass expired), I am bound to be detained for at least 10 min or more, longest is almost 30 minute.

Anyone here had some ideas on what is going on?

Sorry for the extremely long post and thanks a lot if you are reading this.

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Re: Information on MOM job application status

Post by zzm9980 » Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:33 am

Are you sure that is why you were detained? How often did you come in and out of Singapore after your pass expired? It is quite possible you were here too often and not outside long enough, which may also be the reason for your detentions. Not just the single name. I assume you are Indonesian? Quite a few Indonesians have single names are I'm sure ICA is very familiar with this.

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Re: Information on MOM job application status

Post by thestar1234 » Sun, 25 Jan 2015 9:46 am

Yes I am indonesian, are you saying that this is the bad record meant by the MOM?

I did enter SG quite often as I was job hunting and I got a house over here(under my parents name), what you said might be one of the factors, but I am pretty certain that this started happening around the time my pass expired.

I am already asked to enter the ICA room the first and second time I entered Singapore after my pass expired. I am still wondering if my name got to do with it and contemplating to change my name too.

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Re: Information on MOM job application status

Post by x9200 » Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:55 pm

If this would be for the frequent crossing of the border (as the way of staying longer in SG) I would expect you would be refused the entry in one point or even directly told it was not the way ICA liked.

How about your parents? Are they beyond any suspicion? I mean, is there any possibility ICA may see you as their representative in doing some shady business in Singapore?

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Re: Information on MOM job application status

Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 26 Jan 2015 9:28 am

Your parents have a house? As in, landed? Are they or were they ever PR? Since you had a student pass, you obviously weren't also a PR. Thus, ditching out on NS. That would be a prime reason for your trouble. Or, your parents are suspected for some shady activity.

The sole factor of your name being a single word has nothing to do with it. Unless it's something like 'masselamat' :D Even then, I'm sure ICA has your finger prints from some point in the past. Don't even try the new name.

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