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Might be time to leave this year

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by Steve1960 » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 3:05 pm

Primrose Hill wrote:[
There's a time limit to mail forwarding from UK though. It works fine for me too but it has ended.
True but I found I was able to renew it several times. After 2 years the Royal Mail said enough is enough :-)

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by JR8 » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 3:32 pm

Primrose Hill wrote:
JR8 wrote:
Steve1960 wrote:Another thought. Mail forwarding from Singapore to Philippines is possible or a waste of time even trying?
It seems to work fine from SG to Europe, but not sure about the PH end of things.
There's a time limit to mail forwarding from UK though. It works fine for me too but it has ended.
When did the UK come into the question? Either way, the UK do that to stop you claiming Benefits and getting them/comms perpetually redirected via another address.

The trick with redirection is as follows (well, my version of it).
1. For say 6 months prior to a move begin compiling a list of who is writing to you.
2. Skim any records (accounts, diary notes etc) that you keep for anyone who might only write to you annually (Xmas cards, insurance or magazine subscription renewal etc etc).
3). Consider who you might have to tell, even if they don't normally write to you (tax authorities?)
4). Have your list ready, and about 2 weeks prior, tell them that from dd/mm/yy your new address will be 'abc'. Some you can change online, some you can e-mail, some more might need you to call. A few will want a signed letter from you.
5) IME this can cover maybe 90-95% of your post.
6) You may want to also arrange mail redirection for perhaps 3 months, (or perhaps 6 months if your affairs are more complex). It seems inevitable you forget someone, or that someone will fail to change your address details in time.
7) If you're confident you've done all the above, perhaps have any post redirected to a friend in Singapore. Local redirection is cheaper, often much, than redirection abroad. The friend can sift out the rubbish, and scan/e-mail or at least alert you to anything of note.

Last time we did this, I think we received perhaps one (!) item of significant post via the PO redirection, together with a steady trickle of junkmail. If you're rigorous with 1-6 above you arguably don't need redirection on top. I just sleep better at night knowing it's sewn up.

p.s. This reminds me, I have to start doing this list again now myself! (Thanks for the reminder!! :lol: 8-) )
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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 3:59 pm

As JR8 mentioned. I do the same for a friend of mine who is working in Indonesia on a long term project 2+ years and counting. He owns a condo here and a car (rents out the condo and I have the car). He's changed all his local address to my address and I handle most of his mail and payments than cannot be handled online. I also scan and sent him the important bits or things that need his personal decision. Work pretty good. (And I get the full time usage of the car except when he does visa runs or brings his wife here for retail therapy! :lol:

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by Wd40 » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 5:43 pm

I think AngMoG recently moved to Philippines. May be he could share more info with you.

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by nakatago » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 6:33 pm

Steve1960 wrote:Another thought. Mail forwarding from Singapore to Philippines is possible or a waste of time even trying?
Philpost might as well be Philphos

Philippine post end up as Philippine Phosphate. Mail never arrives; I'd like to think they're recycled into fertilizer...

...which is wishful thinking, even then. There's probably an interdimensional portal where all mail, records of corrupt officials, accountability and morals go.
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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by Wd40 » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 6:47 pm

Wonder how the Philippine economy is doing.. 2013 they were fast growing. Their peso is extremely strong, much to the annoyance of overseas remitters

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by nakatago » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 6:48 pm

zzm9980 wrote:If they're very large and infrequent, you'll get a slightly better rate paying for a wire from DBS using their Philipines Remittance. Needs to be large enough due to the xfer fee. It's also not instant, but usually same business day before 3pm.
FYI to future readers:

Remittance services still offer the best rates, fastest transfers and lowest fees as long as you stick with reputable firms (e.g. iRemit or Metrobank). I used iRemit which charged me < 5 bucks and the money would be in my Philippine bank account the following banking day. Then again, I only transferred a thousand or two at a time.

I'm not sure though how you will do it with a very large amounts; worth giving them a call to ask, I think, along with any limits that may trigger any money-laundering documentation requirements (again, I found this out the hard way but resolved it right away with phone calls, office visits and running around).

Western Union can also do direct to bank account transfers (not just for shady 409 scams but also for legitimate purposes as well). They're more expensive than remittance services but less so than banks. Again, check relevant legal limitations. In some countries, you can use a bank debit/credit card instead of physically showing up at an agent with cash.

But when it comes to banks, I'm almost sure about Citibank being the most seamless.
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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by nakatago » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 6:50 pm

Wd40 wrote:Wonder how the Philippine economy is doing.. 2013 they were fast growing. Their peso is extremely strong, much to the annoyance of overseas remitters
Ain't worth squat to most Filipinos not until infrastructure improves. Until then, it would only be felt through things that involve foreign transactions: import, export, forex, remittances, etc.
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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by Steve1960 » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 7:59 pm

JR8 wrote:[
The trick with redirection is as follows (well, my version of it).
1. For say 6 months prior to a move begin compiling a list of who is writing to you.
I may not have 6 months but yes need to start the list
2. Skim any records (accounts, diary notes etc) that you keep for anyone who might only write to you annually (Xmas cards, insurance or magazine subscription renewal etc etc).
3). Consider who you might have to tell, even if they don't normally write to you (tax authorities?)
4). Have your list ready, and about 2 weeks prior, tell them that from dd/mm/yy your new address will be 'abc'. Some you can change online, some you can e-mail, some more might need you to call. A few will want a signed letter from you.
Will not have an abc I suspect will spend some time at a hotel with family room and transition to a rental apartment whilst trying to buy
5) IME this can cover maybe 90-95% of your post.
6) You may want to also arrange mail redirection for perhaps 3 months, (or perhaps 6 months if your affairs are more complex). It seems inevitable you forget someone, or that someone will fail to change your address details in time.
As I suspected Nak says it may be a waste of time little will arrive
7) If you're confident you've done all the above, perhaps have any post redirected to a friend in Singapore. Local redirection is cheaper, often much, than redirection abroad. The friend can sift out the rubbish, and scan/e-mail or at least alert you to anything of note.
Sadly I don't have any close friends here (with the exception of you guys of course!)Looks like redirection back to Mum in the UK

Last time we did this, I think we received perhaps one (!) item of significant post via the PO redirection, together with a steady trickle of junkmail. If you're rigorous with 1-6 above you arguably don't need redirection on top. I just sleep better at night knowing it's sewn up.

p.s. This reminds me, I have to start doing this list again now myself! (Thanks for the reminder!! :lol: 8-) )

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by Steve1960 » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 8:01 pm

That was ironic my 1,000th forum post was on the subject of leaving Singapore #-o

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by PNGMK » Tue, 13 Jan 2015 10:30 pm

Steve1960 wrote:That was ironic my 1,000th forum post was on the subject of leaving Singapore #-o
My suggestions:

Rent or stay with friend/family or even long term hotel rent. A condo/house purchase needs time and consideration - buying in a rush will be a mistake - they'll see you coming.

I'd cut down shipping - lots of stuff made in the PI is cheap (clothes, furniture) but shipping isnt'.

Keep the accounts here - and keep the money in it until you really understand what you need to do with it.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
You want an International School job? School website or
Your rugrat needs a School? Avoid for profit schools
You need Tax advice? Ask a CPA
You ran away without doing NS? Shame on you!

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by ecureilx » Wed, 14 Jan 2015 12:11 am

bgd wrote:Good luck with your move if it happens. Oil and gas?

A friend moved recently. Not as much stuff as you and he had been planning it awhile. His approach was to maximise the weight allowance on flights. Think he was taking 40 to 60kgs a time - 2 travelling. He has accommodation but needs to build at some point. No issues with keeping his bank account here. So far it seems his major problem has been internet access, or the lack of. He is living in the back of beyond though - Pagudpud.
PAL now allows 30 KG for check in, economy

Anyway, it is simpler to use one of the balikbayan boxes, 100$ + for big boxes

As for infrastructure, things are moving, in a super fast speed in some sectors, like the new TPLEX, then again, the speed they commission the project makes me feel a bit jittery about the standards maintained

After all, Manila is sitting on a major fault line

Philpost, I do agree with Nakatago, the parallel operators like LBC deliver mail much much efficiently than Philpost !

I met AngmoG in Manila, during my last visit, he is also on spousal visa I think ... !

For post, I know people who have their POSB/DBS a/c still, though the do an occasional transaction, and, chose e-Statement

However, you still need a local postal address, which, in case if it bounces, then banks may decide your residency status is not same, not sure how it goes btw.

Plus, Now, DBS and POSB has free remittance service to PH bank accounts

I am heading there next month, drop me a note, if you need any more specifics

PS, are you are planning to move to Manila ?

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by nakatago » Wed, 14 Jan 2015 6:04 am

ecureilx wrote:
bgd wrote:Good luck with your move if it happens. Oil and gas?

A friend moved recently. Not as much stuff as you and he had been planning it awhile. His approach was to maximise the weight allowance on flights. Think he was taking 40 to 60kgs a time - 2 travelling. He has accommodation but needs to build at some point. No issues with keeping his bank account here. So far it seems his major problem has been internet access, or the lack of. He is living in the back of beyond though - Pagudpud.
PAL now allows 30 KG for check in, economy

Anyway, it is simpler to use one of the balikbayan boxes, 100$ + for big boxes

As for infrastructure, things are moving, in a super fast speed in some sectors, like the new TPLEX, then again, the speed they commission the project makes me feel a bit jittery about the standards maintained
That's a good 2-3 hours away with no traffic! Have you looked at a map lately?!
ecureilx wrote: After all, Manila is sitting on a major fault line
Not all of it; just parts to the east. ... rikina.pdf

For what it's worth, the whole country is earthquake prone and with the poor infrastructure, zoning and construction practices, certain places are only marginally safer.
ecureilx wrote: Philpost, I do agree with Nakatago, the parallel operators like LBC deliver mail much much efficiently than Philpost !

I met AngmoG in Manila, during my last visit, he is also on spousal visa I think ... !

For post, I know people who have their POSB/DBS a/c still, though the do an occasional transaction, and, chose e-Statement

However, you still need a local postal address, which, in case if it bounces, then banks may decide your residency status is not same, not sure how it goes btw.

Plus, Now, DBS and POSB has free remittance service to PH bank accounts

I am heading there next month, drop me a note, if you need any more specifics

PS, are you are planning to move to Manila ?
He said so previously; Makati-Alabang area.
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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by ecureilx » Wed, 14 Jan 2015 6:44 am

nakatago wrote: That's a good 2-3 hours away with no traffic! Have you looked at a map lately?!
As of November, it is much faster now, NLEX, SCTEX, TPLEX to Rosales, 3 hours to leave Manila to hit NLEX, and another 3 hours, you are in Baguio .. now if the 3+ hour in Manila can be cut down .. :(
nakatago wrote:
ecureilx wrote: After all, Manila is sitting on a major fault line
Not all of it; just parts to the east. ... rikina.pdf

For what it's worth, the whole country is earthquake prone and with the poor infrastructure, zoning and construction practices, certain places are only marginally safer.
It does give me a silly thrill to be on a flyover, which is above flyover below, and estimate my height to be at 70 feet from ground level, and then wonder what would happen to all then if there is a shaker :D

ecureilx wrote:He said so previously; Makati-Alabang area.
Missed that part .. thanks for that

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Re: Might be time to leave this year

Post by nakatago » Wed, 14 Jan 2015 6:52 am

ecureilx wrote: As of November, it is much faster now, NLEX, SCTEX, TPLEX to Rosales, 3 hours to leave Manila to hit NLEX, and another 3 hours, you are in Baguio .. now if the 3+ hour in Manila can be cut down .. :(

Missed that part .. thanks for that
Who'd want that daily commute?! It'll be good for the transport of goods from the north but I can't see that leading to price changes in the markets right now.
"A quokka is what would happen if there was an anime about kangaroos."

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