It doesn't matter whether you have a big bike or a small bike... what matters is what you do in treacherous conditions. You're going to crash with the front wheel turned and too much application of front brake when it's slippery out. You're going to crash when you ignore slick spots and turn into or accelerate through while in a turn. You screw yourself either way.bgd wrote:ABS rather than bike size is probably more important in the wet. If you are going to come unstuck it ususally involves braking.
Remember reading an article arguing smaller sized tyres were better in road surface flooding conditions because they could slice through the water rather than trying to pump it aside. It was actually about the joys of owning a 2CV so no idea how accurate that view is.
What it's about is becoming PROFICIENT... to read your situation and act accordingly... as I stated to the OP... I've had two crashes in my life in 100,000 miles of driving... and one of those was off road in very difficult conditions... still my fault.
I've seen bikes go down at the Orchard Hotel parking lot... right behind me... on a 350 kg Valerie... in the rain... I made it... the clown behind me grabbed too much front brake... fortunately what was mostly bruised was his ego... it aint the bike, it is the rider.