This was my first post to an old thread which was followed up with the reply of your are welcome to stay until your pass run out. I will admit I was a little down from hearing that but now a few years on I'm thinking of applying again. Some small updates.MrBear wrote:Myself and my wife are in the process of adding our first child to our family. We came to Singapore from Hong Kong in May 2010 and I was on EP for first year then switched to PEP. I'm now thinking I would like to start the process for applying to go PR as I would like to confirm this as my home and bring up my child here.
Me – 35, Irish, working in IT for 19 years, now a multi functional role same company 7 years, education 8 GCSE wage 8k PM married 6 years
Wife – 34, Filipino, not working, diploma in business.
I'm a bit worried that my lack of qualifications might have a down side to my application but I'm hoping the experience might help with that.
Do you guy & girls think that we would stand a chance of getting approved or are we better waiting until after the birth and applying then as a whole family or does that even make a difference?
PEP - expires end of year as I missed the $144k so applying for EP.
When we filled in forms last time my wife wrote Asian as race but was told to correct it to Pinoy, at the time I thought this sounded very strange as that is not a race more a nationality. Any how we have since gone back to her mother and pestered her for information about her father and all we got was a name and that he is German (not been seen for 35 yeas by mother). Do you think that will be accepted for stating race as Eurasian or will it just look strange when they look at the past application?
I'm still with same company so now 9.5 years.
We also have a little girl (2yr) on an Irish passport.
So other than the question about changing wife's Race on forms do you think the timing will matter, should I do right away or wait until after my new EP for 3/6 months?
any other thoughts?
Cheers and Happy Xmas to all.