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A foreigner wants to work in SG

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A foreigner wants to work in SG

Post by shampoocurry » Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:02 am

Hi, I am originally from Taiwan.
I am thinking going to SG and working there.
Personally I finished the MA degree in Jan 2014. For past few years, I lived in different cities, including Taipei, Milan, Moscow (and currently live in Seoul:)). I met many Singaporean during my stay overseas and was kinda curious and interested in working in SG. I consulted some of my SG friends how to start looking for job in SG.
However, to my surprise, most did not encourage me go there. They told me even SG wants work in other countries rather than SG, and as a foreigner living expense in SG is pretty high compared with the monthly payment(which means I can not really save money).
I am just curious how people here suggest. Currently I am working in Korea, but I am still very interested working in SG and keep collecting related information. So if people here could give me some information and your opinion on this. This will be very helpful. Thank you. :))

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Re: A foreigner wants to work in SG

Post by bgd » Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:12 am

Depends on what you actually do for a living. If you have skills/experience that are not readily available here then you might be in with a shot. If not, look elsewhere. Sg is a pretty hard place to get into now, just browse these forums.

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Re: A foreigner wants to work in SG

Post by shampoocurry » Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:18 am

Thank you for your reply!
I did browse some forums. For past few years i am always doing market analysis/marketing related with social media, and I am very into this. In terms of social media marketing/start-up company, do you think SG is a good place for career development?

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Re: A foreigner wants to work in SG

Post by bgd » Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:28 am

I don't know that industry. Sg may well be good for career development, if you can get a job here. I would suspect anything in the social media world is popular with the locals so you will struggle. Your best bet would to be get a role offshore and then get a posting here.

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Re: A foreigner wants to work in SG

Post by shampoocurry » Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:40 am

thank you for reply :))) :D :D :D

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Re: A foreigner wants to work in SG

Post by the lynx » Thu, 11 Dec 2014 1:15 pm

shampoocurry wrote:Hi, I am originally from Taiwan.
I am thinking going to SG and working there.
Personally I finished the MA degree in Jan 2014. For past few years, I lived in different cities, including Taipei, Milan, Moscow (and currently live in Seoul:)). I met many Singaporean during my stay overseas and was kinda curious and interested in working in SG. I consulted some of my SG friends how to start looking for job in SG.
However, to my surprise, most did not encourage me go there. They told me even SG wants work in other countries rather than SG, and as a foreigner living expense in SG is pretty high compared with the monthly payment(which means I can not really save money).
I am just curious how people here suggest. Currently I am working in Korea, but I am still very interested working in SG and keep collecting related information. So if people here could give me some information and your opinion on this. This will be very helpful. Thank you. :))
Thank you for your reply!
I did browse some forums. For past few years i am always doing market analysis/marketing related with social media, and I am very into this. In terms of social media marketing/start-up company, do you think SG is a good place for career development?
Hi there, welcome.

For your role and industry, it is very competitive with many companies from MNC to start-ups fighting for business. Plus market analysis is a skill that can be easily provided by the locals. The government is currently making it a priority to hire locals first so Ministry of Manpower will reject application for foreigners if the roles are easily filled by locals.

Your only bet is if you have huge experience and wonderful portfolio that Singapore does not possess.

By the way, due to Singapore's diverse environment of large corporations, local and MNC, as potential clients, career development and exposure in Singapore for this role is pretty good.

Source: I deal with vendors offering marketing analysis and social media solutions for work.

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