I am thinking going to SG and working there.
Personally I finished the MA degree in Jan 2014. For past few years, I lived in different cities, including Taipei, Milan, Moscow (and currently live in Seoul:)). I met many Singaporean during my stay overseas and was kinda curious and interested in working in SG. I consulted some of my SG friends how to start looking for job in SG.
However, to my surprise, most did not encourage me go there. They told me even SG wants work in other countries rather than SG, and as a foreigner living expense in SG is pretty high compared with the monthly payment(which means I can not really save money).
I am just curious how people here suggest. Currently I am working in Korea, but I am still very interested working in SG and keep collecting related information. So if people here could give me some information and your opinion on this. This will be very helpful. Thank you.