ScoobyDoes wrote:
It was outsourced
I do agree, though, everything has got far more "kneejerk" in even the past near 10yrs I've been around whilst before there was long reaching plans. The long reaching plans now (MRT, schools, housing, CoE re-quotas) all came too late and as a direct result of constraints ill calculated.
Anyway, I had a very interesting Saturday
I attended a function, graced by a MP.
So the MP is mingling with the crowd and sees a person who is a bit lost, so this MP, who is very easy going and helpful, turns to a youngster with walkie talkie and tells him to help the person
The youngster goes "I don't know how to help .. I am not in charge .. "
I was amused, as to what they teach in schools, is that how you respond to a MP ?
And then the MP asked him to find the person in charge and get help, and then the youngster goes "I don't know who is in charge, I can't help you .. "
Amazed is not the word I could use there . Talk about learning to respect people !!!
Then when I got into a bus later, an Indian looking guy, looking like he had one too many, got in, but refused it sit, despite his sealegs being a bit unsteady, and the driver refused to move the bus until he sat down.
A little argument erupted, and a old lady next to me muttered "foreigners all drunk .. I very scared of foreigner like him ... " .. and kept looking in my direction as other passengers suddenly had their heads buried in their phones/tablets, lest they get involved .. I was the jerk who looked and got eye contact with the old lady !!!
And suddenly the drunk guy arguing with the driver switched to Mandarin, and I turned to the lady near me and asked "wah, the drunk foreigner can speak good Chinese ???? "
I got daggers in response !!!