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Indian Newspaper, Perfect Comeback To Racist cartoon by NYT

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Re: Indian Newspaper, Perfect Comeback To Racist cartoon by

Post by x9200 » Sun, 02 Nov 2014 8:32 pm

There will be always someone offended and the means used are the essence of the message so I don't think there is too much room for adjustment. For me the important part is the newspaper itself and I simply don't expect NYT to come up with a primitive, stereotypical and racist cartoon.

The Indian newspaper, they made IMHO idiot out of themselves but I can understand the reaction. It is pretty typical for somebody who was and is a subject of different stereotypes too often.

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Re: Re:

Post by ecureilx » Mon, 03 Nov 2014 8:06 am

nakatago wrote:In this particular case, India was depicted as cattle farmer (oooh, India, rural economy, loves cows). Personally, I'd rather draw this than a yogi...or draw a female. An Indian in a sari would be easier to depict India but I'm sure someone will still get offended if the artist isn't Indian (and by extension, by my comment as well). :roll:
or a Snake Charmer !!!! :D

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Re: Indian Newspaper, Perfect Comeback To Racist cartoon by

Post by JR8 » Mon, 03 Nov 2014 9:10 am

x9200 wrote:For me the important part is the newspaper itself and I simply don't expect NYT to come up with a primitive, stereotypical and racist cartoon.
This is a good point. To me the NYT is a typical dribblingly neo-Lib urban paper, a la Guardian and London. If I have any choice I'll choose to read neither.

Studies have suggested it is as left-wing as Fox TV's news analysis programme 'Special Report' is alleged to be right wing. [Interesting you have no comedians/satirists railing against the bias of the NYT].

Anyway, the point being, considering how uber-touchy Americans can be, especially urbanites about anything race/ethnicity-based, and considering how 'ultra right-on' and PC the NYT is; it is quite staggering that it decided to publish that cartoon.
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Re: Indian Newspaper, Perfect Comeback To Racist cartoon by

Post by nakatago » Mon, 03 Nov 2014 9:26 am

JR8 wrote:Studies have suggested it is as left-wing as Fox TV's news analysis programme 'Special Report' is alleged to be right wing. [Interesting you have no comedians/satirists railing against the bias of the NYT].

Anyway, the point being, considering how uber-touchy Americans can be, especially urbanites about anything race/ethnicity-based, and considering how 'ultra right-on' and PC the NYT is; it is quite staggering that it decided to publish that cartoon.
Because Americans don't read newspapers no more. :roll:

and it would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those pesky kids--er--Indians.
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