It's a tricky old week [polite version!], that's for sure. The UK market is clearly unconvinced that 'it's ok' to break out of it's current range of say 6800-6900 (or the wider one 6740-6930). It opened yesterday and looked full of confidence, rose through a key resistance level of 6900, and it then looked like it might test 6930: A *BIG* level, in fact it was the Dec-99 high... 'til the bust imploded... so very significant.
Then it slowly gave it all up and more, ticking slowly all the way down through the day, before finally picking up at the end (after I'd given in for the day and gone to bed), closing with 0.00% change, at 6898, two points under the key 6900 level. Reeeeaaaally - sigh!
Anyway another day dawns, and the market opens in an hour, so it's back to work for me (whilst the wife goes out CNY visiting).
While I remember, if it's of any interest to anyone here is my go-to site for daily technical analysis(TA)/charting. This one covers the FTSE, DAX (Germany) and Dow. It might have other indices on other pages... probably has, but I don't follow them so am not sure. It's a good site, the reviews are very concise and clear.
I recently came across another site with similar TA analyses, but right there on one page it covers many main markets from the US, to Europe, through Mumbai, Japan to Aus. It also covers FX pairs, gold, silver and oil... and others. ... s-reports/
I'll have a look at your link in a moment. As you know I'm inherently 'anti-fund'
but none the less will be interested to see what the figures look like, and how the returns translate into various harder currencies.
Have a good day on the markets! London is opening in an hour, and waiting for a cue to stop bloody well dithering about, but I suspect it isn't going to happen this week whilst Grecian woes loom large and centre-stage .... but every day begins with hope eh?
Edit to add: Wow, those are some returns! And it's not a once off, it goes back over a quite comfortingly long period. Usual cautions apply, beware of something almost too good to be true. And don't put all your eggs in one basket; *note it's risk rating of 9!* I appreciate that that's even harder to do when you're 'coining it' (i.e. making a fat return), but many wise people got burnt to a crisp in the bust.
Beers on you!