Hello Everyone
I am working with a IT company with expertise on Banking sector for over 8 years and now feel a need to change job to gain more exposure. I could not find much demand for my type of profile in my current city. And my options are to move to another city in India or Countries having direct connectivity to my home city and short travel. And my preference is to move to nearby countries and hence decided on Singapore due to it been a financial hub and expat friendly policies.
I have got a few calls from consultantcies for contract jobs that says '1 year and extendable'. I have been rejecting them outright, but today gave it a thought. I did some research and have quite a few questions. Appreciate if any of you would help me out
1. Do contract employees get a premium salary compared to permanent employees. How much more should i be quoting against a permanent position of say 120k for similar job and profile.
2. I would be getting married next year. Would i be eligible for leaves for 2 weeks?
3. What benefits would i have to forego when compared to permanent employee?
4. When would i come to know if the employer would extend my employment beyond a year? reason been- I would need a good lead time to find another opportunity.
5. Would it be any easier to hunt for a permanent position when you are on a contract job in singapore than hunting 1 from India?
6. Are there chances of contracts been converted to permanent within the same company?
7. Would my visa expire as soon as my contract expires? Is there a different category of visa for contract employees compared to permanent expats?
Thanks in advance for helping out guys..