Honestly I don't think there are genuine examples of English proverbs, idioms, sayings and cliches being mangled in Singapore, because they DON'T USE them here!Brah wrote:So, while many of the posts here do in fact have examples of messed up English, that is nothing new for this forum.
I still haven't seen any of the many mixed sayings and clichés re the OP, except my poor example of one.
Stuff like "Don't put all your eggs in your pocket", or something like that, where they get half of it right..
Crikey there are tons of these out there!
The only bunch of people I know how uses them here is the expats because even those born around here and educated in English missionary schools or abroad, seem to drop the use in regular conversations.
Now that I mentioned this, I know one place where Singaporeans do: TV commercials...