ecureilx wrote:dajitesh wrote: ...
Mate, let me tell you something, and it may not be what you want to hear
I know a few people, who came to Singapore, and when they moved here, they were invited by ICA to apply for PR.
and I also know, they didn't even go in person, to ICA, they got the likes of Drew Napier and Allen and Gledhill to submit the application
One of them, when he wanted get Singapore Citizenship, Drew and Napier submitted the application and when the approval came, and the person was asked to attend a ceremony, he was travelling, and wasn't forced to even turn up for the ceremony to collect his Citizenship Certificate. He got it in a private ceremony at ICA
he has assets here and there, and he and his likes did and still do contribute to the SG Economy
now, if you were of that category, I am not sure why you would go and ask an anonymous forum for opinion, and then get mad when you don't hear what you want to hear and then go on to beat you chest saying everybody else is wrong and you are right ..
Something is missing
so, me using the tone of 'average' Singaporean says, "you may not be badly missed if you decide not to contribute to the GDP of Singapore"
sorry if the above is too offensive to you ..