Wd40 wrote:It was a revenge for Pearl Harbour, just like Iraq and Afghanistan were revenge for 9/11, doesn't matter where they had WMD or not.
You clearly don't know much about history and your conclusions are baloney.
There has been plenty of debate since the end of WW II over whether it was actually necessary to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima. One side says that the US was winning the ground war in Asia. The other side said that casualties were too high and that the Japanese could hang on for years fighting island by island. That side won and the bombs were dropped.
Many Japanese cities had already been destroyed by fire bombing, similar to the way that Dresden was bombed and destroyed, so the question here wasn't whether to bomb a civilian population (that was already happening), the question was whether to use the new device.
Hiroshima was bombed on Aug 6, 1945 and the Japanese were given an opportunity to surrender. They refused. Nagasaki was bombed 3 days later on Aug 9. It still took until Aug 15 for the Japanese to surrender, in part because of Russia's declaration of war.
As for Afghanistan, your history again fails you. It was Osama bin Laden who founded al-Queda and fought against the Russians in Afghanistan. He was assisted with American arms and money... the USA funded the mujaheddin against the Russians.
There was a complex relationship between bin Laden, the Taliban and al-Queda, but there is little question that the bi Laden masterminded the entire 9-11 act of terror. (We''l leave out for the moment the question as to why the Saudis got away scot free when most of the terrorists were shown to be of Saudi origin). The presence of 100,000 US troops and equipment was well on the way to completely wiping out the Taliban and al-Queda when...
The asshats/traitors/neocons Cheney, Wolfowitz, Doanlad Rumsfeld, John Bolton, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer who concocted this crazy ass idea of spreading democracy in the middle east through the use of military force ruined our opportunity to deal with al-Queda and the Taliban once and for all by drawing down forces in Afghanistan to attack Iraq, using lies and false information about WMD as the excuse.
The rest is history... but it is damn clear that neither Afghanistan nor Iraq were about revenge.