proxy moron wrote:
Well, caste system also does include men, women and children. They were not considered worthy of keeping the count of, so unfortunately there are no official accounts on the body count (if that defines the intensity of the atrocity committed)
What 'body count'? And anyway India inflicted the caste system on itself. And it still has it. So as they say, 'Doctor, heal thyself'.
proxy moron wrote:And what baffles me is the selective blindness of white west, when it comes to anything other than holocaust.
Why does it baffle you? There are several monuments in Central London to the Indian (and Ghurka) regiments that fought in Europe (etc) in WW2. It's no secret to us, indeed it's a thing that is rightly celebrated.
proxy moron wrote:200k people were burnt to ashes in a minute by the atomic bomb, something which affected those who were even yet to be born. Still the western media thinks that it was all about holocaust and 6million jews by the "RACIST" nazi Germany.
We know. We also know that Japan and Germany were collectively hell-bent on total world domination. I lived in Japan, and have had the whole 'atomic guilt trip' thing played out on me several times. I have lived in Germany and stood on the precise junction in Berlin that Hitler planned and intended as the centre-point of the future world: His future world. The atomic bombs were not dropped 'for fun' FFS, they were a last resort where nothing else was stopping the JPnese.
Your view that the western media think WW2 was all about the Holocaust is offensive. My father was enlisted and en-route to Singapore during WW2 when the war ended, and were 10s of thousands of others with him. There were entire regiments of British soldiers in India during WW2 (I have quite some knowledge/insight into this as I helped create a database of at least 30,000 British war graves in (then) India. Specifically, I was paid as a after-hours student-job, by a friend of a friend whose project it was, to create a database from her written records made in Indian military graveyards).
proxy moron wrote:]80years of slavery on blacks in US, 3000 years of slavery on Dalits in India.. am I suggesting that these are greater issues than Nazi camps? Yes I am.
And despite it being the 21st century, you still haven't resolved your issues of the caste system, not least the Dalits. Call yourself a 'modern nation', your society (in this regard) resembles something more akin to the 1700s. What are you doing about it, apart from still playing the blame-game?