NU wrote:I wonder if you could offer me some advice.
We got our maid through an agency. One night she thought we would be out late (which we weren't) and we found her creeping back into the house at 1am.
We obviously wanted to change her for a different maid which the agency agreed on.
I gave the maid 30 days notice as stipulated in the contract. My maid agency says I have to pay her transfer fee of $500. They also charged me agency fee and paperwork fee mounting to around $479 ( our maid had been with use 18 month).
I have chosen a new maid and now that maid contacted me asking whether I would pay her transfer fee. Our agency had told us that her current employer would pay her transfer fee.
All little confusing- so I contacted MOM who state that a transfer fee is mutually agreed therefore I don't have to pay anything.
Another agency I contacted said they expect the maids themselves to pay the transfer fee.
My question is do I need to pay a transfer fee? and also I feel a bit disgruntled paying for a maid who did wrongdoing!!
Please help? the internet seems to be full: of conflicting advice!!
for the maid leaving the next employer generally has to pay, unless you are 'kind' or 'generous'
if your former maid transferred ands You paid for the transfer out your agent took you for a nice ride or made twice money, as most likely he charged to next employer too. or deduction on maid's salary.
I would suggest you look for a more honest agent.
for transfer maids there is not much work, unlike for a new maid.
bottom line, for new maid you are taking, if you pay the transfer fee, the maid doesnt pay, and she is happy to work as she is sans deduction (I will remind that agency to ensure it doesn't get double deducted)
getting the maid to pay is one of the way to squeeze the blood and sweat of the maid, agreed 'willing buyer, willing seller' but not right, in my opinion
plus, that there are too many maids desperate doesn't mean you should make them pay for the privilege to work here as a lowly paid maid.
Sergei, back home we fired a maid, for not coming back home after a night out and she conveniently went lo batt on her phone as well, so she couldn't SMS us.
if she had atleast sms'd we wouldn't have fired her. and with the kidnapping threats it was the right thing if somebody is that irresponsible! after being told twice what not to do..
if there were agreed rules, and if there was no excuse sought, I would not impose on the employer that they are wrong!!