I understand that the Rainbow Warrior was tied up at the wharf in Auckland, not breaking any law, and not intending to break any law, when the French Secret service, contrary to the law, blew it up, murdering a crew member. The French wished it to stop drawing attention to their continuing nuclear testing in the South Pacific. This instead backfired, drawing attention and condemnation of their activities, leading eventually to the cessation of the tests. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinking_o ... ow_WarriorJR8 wrote:ecureilx wrote: Sea Shepherd are way out of line - illegally and dangerously interfering in legal activities. I wouldn't shed a tear seeing SS boats getting their comeuppance as per Greenepeace's 'Rainbow Warrior'. After all, if you operate contrary to the law, and live by the sword...
You seem to think I’m condoning what they did, which I’m not. You need to consider the build-up, as it wasn’t a bunch of tree-hugging hippies simply sitting on a boat in Auckland harbour...MikeJones wrote:A nation commits an act of murder and terrorism on foreign soil and that is comeuppance? You have a very odd view of the world. As for Oxfam I would think an organisation that was founded for famine-relief would have a vested interest in Global Warming given the potential for future famine resulting from a changing climate. Amnesty International is a stretch however.
Strong Eagle wrote:I can't remember if I got this link here or elsewhere. Apologies in advance if this has already been seen.
http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/singapore-indo ... ty-1521643
Burning Sugar Cane has been going on for years, in many country, as the roots of the cane are hard to remove and burning them actually nourishes the land. But to burn on such wide scale ?JR8 wrote:Likewise apologies in advance if I have posted this before. This was during a taxi transfer across NW Sabah in April 2010, i.e. one of the sources. They seemed to be burning off cane and palm. This moonscape went on for hours of driving, I've never seen anything like it before or since.
Perhaps you need to choose your words more carefully then? Comeuppance: a punishment or fate that someone deserves.JR8 wrote: You seem to think I’m condoning what they did, which I’m not. You need to consider the build-up, as it wasn’t a bunch of tree-hugging hippies simply sitting on a boat in Auckland harbour...
JR8 wrote:Last week they'd be wall-to-wall promoting coconut water, with chapters of glowing articles. This week they're wall-to-wall telling us how we should hate ourselves for exploiting monkeys who go and harvest it.
This IS the Daily Mail, and this IS how the UK tabloid press works!
I did choose my words carefully. There are situations where you might hold a strong personal belief, but exercising it, especially vs a state, and even more so against one who seemingly writes their own international remit such as the French, puts you directly in the firing line. Consider the X-over with Julian Assange, Edward Snowden etc. And if you do such actions, then you have to accept the potential consequences.MikeJones wrote:Perhaps you need to choose your words more carefully then? Comeuppance: a punishment or fate that someone deserves.
Sounds like common sense to me. In the same way see how you fair if you decide to go and intervene in the SGn state affairs, based upon your personal beliefs. Then in the unlikely event that they're restrained enough to let off with a warning, then plan to do it again on an even larger scale.MikeJones wrote:Sounds a lot like condonation (which apparently is a word) to me.
Allies.... lol. That was precisely Greenpeace's error of judgement; they presumed they could egregiously and repeatedly take the p*** out the French state and get away with it. As with the Darwin Awards, there tends to be a comeuppance as a result of extreme naivety.MikeJones wrote: And I'm not suggesting the RW crew were a bunch of innocents, I'm fully aware they were intending to break the law. However that still does not justify committing and act of terrorism on allied soil. The French had boarded and confiscated Greenpeace vessels before so why not do it again? As far as I can tell they were sick of looking like arseholes on TV news so decided to preempt things. Of course getting caught, then having to threaten the economic stability of NZ to get their (fairly incompetent) agents back didn't exactly make them look very good either.
Quite. One of the Mail's nick-names is The Daily Wail, something it seems very good atMikeJones wrote: Ahh the Daily Hate and Fear, next week they'll be warning of an influx of immigrant monkeys employed in the chestnut picking industryI much prefer the Daily Mash http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/ though at times it can be hard to tell the difference
I like the comments below the articles. Do they engineer that too?JR8 wrote:Quite. One of the Mail's nick-names is The Daily Wail, something it seems very good atMikeJones wrote: Ahh the Daily Hate and Fear, next week they'll be warning of an influx of immigrant monkeys employed in the chestnut picking industryI much prefer the Daily Mash http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/ though at times it can be hard to tell the difference
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