x9200 wrote:Actually IIRC these were some of your posts that made me worried but I don't think I would manage to find them right now within reasonable time.
From them I've got this impression that this is sort of like running a mass of anonymous people nobody cares too much about through some rarely populated but still a mine field. You know, a cannon feeder preschool.
But if this is what you just wrote above and as in any typical NS then I have no worries.
Could be I misunderstood something.
No. No misunderstanding at all. Slightly out of context, maybe. Yes, NS is dangerous. IF you are a complete doof! Accidents can and do happen. But the incidence of this is miniscule compared to, say, giving every 17 year old a 900cc bike. More would kill themselves on the bikes during that 24 months than would be killed by the SAR-21. My point is the benefits outweigh the negatives and while I hate war!, I do believe every male should undergo military training for a number of reasons, most of which I've said before. So given the options, in my case, in order to give my son the training which I feel he needs, I would rather he took the safest option. Singapore is famous for walking the fence when it comes to antagonizing other countries and will ONLY SEND THEIR MILITARY IN A BEHIND THE LINES FUNCTION or in a disaster relief type of operation or war games (5 power defense pact). The closest they have ever come to front lines is in a Military Field Hospital type of function or offshore patrol. Yes, something untoward can happen but not likely. Much better to get a whiff of a war zone than a taste or a full on meal of it! The adrenalin rush of fear is good for learning, especially if the actual probability of harm is remote at best.
Additionally, if something untoward should happen here in Singapore, I'd at least want my son have a clue how to protect himself, his girlfriend or wife and my sorry old arse, and not just pray somebody from some other country comes here to save them. Of course, should that happen, he really wouldn't have to protect me, as I'd be on the front lines as well. But that's me.