zzm9980 wrote:You also applied a bit early it seems. General guidance is to wait for and apply after at least one REP renewal. Since you did it either before that or right at it, they may intentionally delaying you to give it more time.
Well, true I did apply before my first PEP renewal. but what disappointed me was a call on the 17th of November last year informing me that I had not replied to querries raised by ICA on the 5th of July. the fact was that I had replied on the 6th of July itself and ICA lost my reply. when i forwarded my reply on the 17th of Nov, i was quite simply informed that helpdesk did not forward the reply to the concerned officer.
I would just put this down to an overwhelmed system which decided to pull the plug on my case. I will wait patiently keep you guys updated. i am sure my case is not unique......