blessedone wrote:Hello,
I need to apply for a brand new passport as the existing one has run out of pages and country wont issue an additional one
1. do i need to inform the ica?
2. does the visa (sa y for US etc remain valid on the new passport as well?)
1. Are you PR or on an employment pass? If PR, you inform ICA through eRep that you want to transfer your REP to another passport. ICA no longer stamps passports... instead, you print out your REP and are supposed to keep it with your passport.
If you are EP, then you inform MOM. If you have the new EP card, then it works pretty much like the ICA process... you can update online and print out new page for your passport. If you have old green laminated EP, you will need to go to MOM and get a new modern card.
2. For visas, in most cases, you can continue to bring your old passport with you so that you don't have to incur the hassle and expense of obtaining a new visa stamp before the old visa expires. But... you must contact the embassy of each visa you hold and verify that they will accept a valid visa in an old passport.