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Sunway Lagoon KL - safety

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Sunway Lagoon KL - safety

Post by Sergei82 » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:11 am

Took one of the water slides over there this Saturday. They have some "humps" along the slide for some reason - rubber strips across the water flow - many of them in bundle of 3s on the way. I have no idea how those things make the slide more exciting - they slow down the boat.

Anyway, my rubber boat went upside down on one turn of the slide. Looks like, the slide itself was poorly designed and very dangerous. So I continued my "travel" down without the boat. Not only this rubber strips are torn and worn out, pieces are sticking, I left some patches of my skin there, more than that - I bumped headlong into one of them and had a headache for the rest of the day. I was lucky because some of those water slides are quite high and if you fall in case of something, you are dead.

Needless to say, that was the 1st and last slide I took in Sunway Lagoon from now and forever. I wonder, why it is so much safer everywhere else I went - Korea, Singapore, US, ...? I never felt myself in danger there, in KL it is obviously life threatening! Is it a cultural thing to neglect the quality?
Last edited by Sergei82 on Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sunway Lagoon KL - safety

Post by the lynx » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:40 am

Sergei82 wrote:Took one of the water slides over there this Saturday. They have some "humps" along the slide for some reason - rubber strips across the water flow - many of them in bundle of 3s on the way. I have no idea how those things make the slide more exciting - they slow down the boat.

Anyway, my rubber boat went upside down on one turn of the slide. Looks like, the slide itself was poorly designed and very dangerous. So I continued my "travel" down without the boat. Not only thos rubber strips are torn and worn out, pieces are sticking, I left some patches of my skin there, more than that - I bumped head long into one of them and had a headache for the rest of the day. I was lucky because some of those water slides are quite high and if you fall in case of something, you are dead.

Needless to say, that was the 1st and last slide I took in Sunway Lagoon from now and forever. I wonder, why it is so much safer everywhere else I went - Korea, Singapore, US, ...? I never felt myself in danger there, in KL it is obviously life threatening! Is it a cultural thing to neglect the quality?
Sadly yes.

Imagine if this is Singapore. The water park management would have paid you dough to silent you from social media and legal problems.

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:42 am

Third-world country. I wouldn't ride anything like that in Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, or a lot of other countries either.

It probably stems from a lack of strong liability law, and the ability to bribe your way out of most trouble. The US State Dept. gives travel warnings for some countries warning about popular touristy things that are dangerous. Those Para-skiing things are usually on top of the list.

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Post by nakatago » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:12 pm

zzm9980 wrote:Third-world country. I wouldn't ride anything like that in Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, or a lot of other countries either.

It probably stems from a lack of strong liability law, and the ability to bribe your way out of most trouble. The US State Dept. gives travel warnings for some countries warning about popular touristy things that are dangerous. Those Para-skiing things are usually on top of the list.
Australian TV makes "documentaries" on how many people die in Bali every year (incarceration for drug possession/trafficking, however, is a different "genre").
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Post by Sergei82 » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:24 pm

I did NOT expect this thing from KL though. They are relatively better off compared to Vietnam or Thailand.

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Post by PNGMK » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 1:01 pm

Sergei82 wrote:I did NOT expect this thing from KL though. They are relatively better off compared to Vietnam or Thailand.
Dude, KL is just paper over the top of a corrupt, backwards country.

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Post by QRM » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 2:27 pm

The money put aside for maintenance normally ends up in someones pocket and generally shared with the safety inspectors etc.

Life is cheap over there, paying off an injured or dead person family is cheaper than the actual repair/down time costs.

If you try and sue, they just pay off the right people and the documentation can easily get lost.

Having worked there, it is mind blowing what goes on I never walk near construction sites.

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Post by ecureilx » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 2:34 pm

QRM wrote:.

Having worked there, it is mind blowing what goes on I never walk near construction sites.
while there was some construction near KL Sentral, I walked under the covered area and came out all dusty :eek:

I advice anybody going to KL, not to hold on to hand railings on the road side, NEVER step on any drain cover and never, never, never ever walk over metal covers in the side walk. if the natives prefer to get hit by the cars than walk on the side walk, they Must know something right? :twisted:

PS, sunway is private property... the owners have safe and well maintained helicopters and planes but, who wants to worry about the safety of tourists in the resort??

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Post by bgd » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 2:58 pm

ecureilx wrote:
while there was some construction near KL Sentral, I walked under the covered area and came out all dusty :eek:
That happened to me yesterday, but on Stamford Rd in Sg.

But to be fair it was just dusty, not life threatening. Some workers were sweeping the scaffolding.

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Post by QRM » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 3:07 pm

ecureilx wrote:
while there was some construction near KL Sentral, I walked under the covered area and came out all dusty :eek:
Its those covered walkways that give the pedestrian and contractors a false sense of safety. A small concrete block or steel pipe falling from a ht will just punch right through it. Also never stop in a car near a construction site, one I worked on in KL, a passenger lost his arm when a concrete block fell and passed through the roof of his car, luckily just missed his baby. The crane driver legged it never to be seen again, the contractor had his wrist slapped and the family of the missing arm guy got a "payment" and it was business as usual after that.

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Re: Sunway Lagoon KL - safety

Post by ScoobyDoes » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 4:30 pm

Sergei82 wrote:Is it a cultural thing to neglect the quality?

You only have to visit LEGOLAND across the Causeway to work this one out. Half the stuff hasn't worked from the day it opened, and the other half already looks older than the Parthenon.

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Re: Sunway Lagoon KL - safety

Post by ecureilx » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 7:07 pm

Sergei82 wrote:! Is it a cultural thing to neglect the quality?
too long in SG ah?

meanwhile in Singapore a stick of fish stick on uncleaned land was the topic of PMs national day speech .... and led to the formation of a new agency

bgd, in Malaysia covered walkways are death traps as QRM explained

a friend's Kembara was repainted near a construction site, with cement. and the construction crew claimed no responsibility and refused even compensation

ScoobyDoes, as soon as Legoland opened I made the mistake of going there

it was like a huge owen with next to no shelter/shade/trees but, hey, land being cheap in Malaysia, they had to space the attractions as far apart as possible ... so tourists can 'soak' in the sun!!!

and I saw many people just huddling in the restaurant / food places just to seek refuge from the hot sun

getting back, was a charm if we could wallk the kilometer under the hot sun to the bus pick up point !!!

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Post by durain » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 7:20 pm

health and safety is not a priority in malaysia. i have been to sunway lagoon and didnt go on the slide for that reason.

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Post by Sergei82 » Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:52 pm

Legoland - old, shabby, but more or less worked when I was there. Giant oven comparison - that thing I agree with: it was horribly hot with no shades.

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Re: Sunway Lagoon KL - safety

Post by zzm9980 » Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:38 am

ecureilx wrote: meanwhile in Singapore a stick of fish stick on uncleaned land was the topic of PMs national day speech .... and led to the formation of a new agency
And how apropos that is for a metaphor for Singapore. Why couldn't the f*ing person who complained about it just pick it up themselves? No, we will complain to the government and expect them to do something about it!

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