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Post by martincymru » Tue, 19 Aug 2014 6:08 pm

Is a maid working in one household allowed to work in another?

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Post by The Ref » Tue, 19 Aug 2014 9:10 pm

Generally, No, they are unless Citizen or PR. I don't have a maid and I don't know the details but I know someone who was fined around $8000 a few years ago for hiring a maid in such a situation.

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Post by ecureilx » Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:11 pm

bgd, jail plus deportation
martincymru wrote:Is a maid working in one household allowed to work in another?
as SMS mentioned, MOM has gone after employers who bring their maids to apparently sit in their shops or help clean dishes / tables in the employer's own coffee shop, and fined the employers even when the employer was giving the maid extra pay!!!

plus, compared to years ago, except those knowingly part timing, or less educated / desperate ones, maids are more knowledgeable and known to inform MOM when the boss make them work in more than 1 place!!

even if the other place is the employer's sister/ daughter/ whatever, it is illegal!!!!

the only exception is, from what i know, is when the employer is out of town, they can leave the maid in a relative's place, and has informed the agent accordingly, as there are no maid's hostels hete

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:22 pm

x9200 wrote:
FDWs may only be deployed to work at another address if:

Their duties in their employer’s home includes looking after the employer’s young children or elderly parents; and
They are at the other address to continue their duty of looking after the employer’s young children or elderly parents.

- See more at: ... Q5gMQ.dpuf
So basically walking a dog and doing shopping is also illegal.
How so? The dog lives at the same residence. She walking the dog, not minding the dog living at a different place. Same with shopping, she is doing work directly related to the maintenance of the household where she is employed. There is no problem with either of them, however, if the dog was permanently at a relative's house and she had to spend every day at the relative's house to take care of the dog, THEN it would be illegal.

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Post by PNGMK » Wed, 20 Aug 2014 2:00 pm

martincymru wrote:Is a maid working in one household allowed to work in another?
Only if in attendance of children who are the direct descendants of the maids employer. I looked into this as my son stays with his mother in a different house... if my FDW is looking after him she can be in the other house for duties related to his care (only).

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Post by Sergei82 » Wed, 20 Aug 2014 3:50 pm

PNGMK wrote:
martincymru wrote:Is a maid working in one household allowed to work in another?
Only if in attendance of children who are the direct descendants of the maids employer. I looked into this as my son stays with his mother in a different house... if my FDW is looking after him she can be in the other house for duties related to his care (only).

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Post by x9200 » Wed, 20 Aug 2014 4:53 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:
x9200 wrote:
FDWs may only be deployed to work at another address if:

Their duties in their employer’s home includes looking after the employer’s young children or elderly parents; and
They are at the other address to continue their duty of looking after the employer’s young children or elderly parents.

- See more at: ... Q5gMQ.dpuf
So basically walking a dog and doing shopping is also illegal.
How so? The dog lives at the same residence. She walking the dog, not minding the dog living at a different place. Same with shopping, she is doing work directly related to the maintenance of the household where she is employed. There is no problem with either of them, however, if the dog was permanently at a relative's house and she had to spend every day at the relative's house to take care of the dog, THEN it would be illegal.
She walks the dog and does the shopping outside of the residence place and she is only allowed to do work at the residencel place. Permanently is not the criteria. If it was, a temporary cleaning at someones house would be allowed.

And yes, "Related" is exactly the word that should be, but it is not there (and frankly, I don't know why).

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Post by Hannieroo » Wed, 20 Aug 2014 5:11 pm

I think it's supposed to be read as only able to work for or with people resident on her WP. So, babysitting my sister's children is a no but looking after mine at my sister's home is ok. It doesn't mean they are imprisoned at home drying work hours.

Poor Sergei. I would really consider deleting your op next to your picture. You do run the risk of a $5k fine and ban from re employing. A confession next to a photograph of yourself on an open forum probably isn't clever.

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Post by Sergei82 » Thu, 21 Aug 2014 9:29 am

Hardly I run any risk of being fined. The maid was with wife's kid (my stepson) and us, wife is the employer. I do not see any law prohibiting cleaning around the kid occasionally wherever he is. Or kid must be in dirt? In any case, for my house the main source of cleaning services was a coming local maid (once per 2 weeks) and me myself.

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Post by zzm9980 » Thu, 21 Aug 2014 9:50 am

Sergei82 wrote:Hardly I run any risk of being fined. The maid was with wife's kid (my stepson) and us, wife is the employer. I do not see any law prohibiting cleaning around the kid occasionally wherever he is. Or kid must be in dirt? In any case, for my house the main source of cleaning services was a coming local maid (once per 2 weeks) and me myself.
Then you're fine. But this is the first time you gave this crucial detail that makes all of the difference.

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Post by Sergei82 » Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:14 am

zzm9980 wrote:
Sergei82 wrote:Hardly I run any risk of being fined. The maid was with wife's kid (my stepson) and us, wife is the employer. I do not see any law prohibiting cleaning around the kid occasionally wherever he is. Or kid must be in dirt? In any case, for my house the main source of cleaning services was a coming local maid (once per 2 weeks) and me myself.
Then you're fine. But this is the first time you gave this crucial detail that makes all of the difference.
Sorry, my wife is much more knowledgeable about it, so I omitted out of lack of experience. :)

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Post by zzm9980 » Thu, 21 Aug 2014 1:48 pm

Any luck getting anything back? I imagine that if you were to personally show up at the middle-man and do a Hulk Hogan flex they would throw all of their belongings (or anything of value) at you and beg mercy :D

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Post by Sergei82 » Fri, 22 Aug 2014 9:41 am

A new twist: the maid is accusing us in abusing her. Police officer was coming to take statement from my wife - she is extremely stressed out now (no maid, larg amount of money lost, large amount of money to pay for the next maid etc).

Accusing us in abuse after all we were doing for her will not excuse her stealing anyway, nor it will help her not to get sentenced. Looks like she is just such a rotten person on her own. We couldn't even imagine she is capable of doing this.

Any recommendations on how we should interview the maid next time?

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Post by Steve1960 » Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:03 am

So sorry to hear that but predictable I think. It crossed my mind that the maid might do that when you first posted.

A while back I posted on the nightmare we had with our first maid and as you know we now have someone we know very well over a period of many years.

I think you might do better to try and pick up someone from advertisements on this web site. I often see ex pats trying to relocate a good maid because they are leaving Singapore.

Outside of that it really is a lottery :-(

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Post by PNGMK » Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:01 pm

+1 look for a transfer maid or poach a good one from a neighbour.

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