Again, don't attribute words we didn't say to us.here4good wrote:@nakatago
So the "seniors" are allowed to make discerning remarks and yet the newbies are not allowed the same privilege? I have been here long enough so I need not and do not need life lessons on how to manage my time/life in Singapore. I have assimilated in Singapore and I do not need you to advise me - thanks for your 2 cents though.
If you wish to run this forum in this manner, that is your prerogative but it would do no harm in treating everybody with respect. Has there been anything useful achieved by zzm9980 making that comment in the first place? Should you not advise him? Oh wait, he can do as he pleases since he has contributed in the past... Right.
* discern the difference between my example as a metaphor versus actual life lessons. Ditto for a criticism/observation versus an intentionally disrespectful comment.
* as zzm and taxico already explained and shown, regulars get a certain leeway but only because their exposure has made them more familiar with how the community runs things. Hence, they need less reminders. Some regulars however crossed the line in the past and they were called out for that so it's not about post-count/age.
* I'm not the sole moderator. I'm just one of several volunteers. I don't run the forum; I just nudge people into following community-defined standards.