Aragorn2000 wrote:A sizeable part of the population in my home country is really pro-Russia and anti-US. Their comments on social media and online press are like this:
1. Russia and the separatists gain nothing but bad PR by shooting down a civilian plane. Why would they do that? Russians are also really nice and pleasant people. They could never commit such a crime!
2. On the other hand, it is the US and Ukraine who have much to gain from this tragedy. The Western world has to resort to desperate measures to isolate Russia. It's a conspiracy!
3. It is usually the perpetrators (insinuating the US and Ukraine) who cry foul the loudest!
So no matter how amateurish some propaganda is, many (I mean many) people still believe in it.
Everybody knows the plane was shot down by idiotic mistake with Russian weapon, stop this shit. I am telling you as a Russian speaking Ukrainian from Donetsk. Today terrorists mounted anti-aircraft cannons on my parents' house. They dun give shit about civilian lives. Clearly that is a fault of US, isnt it?
Logic of a retarded Russian scumbag:
America wanted to attack Russia, so it arranged revolution in Ukraine.
Therefore Russia had to annex Crimea, so America can't attack Russia.
Therefore America ordered to attack East of Ukraine, so it can attack Russia.
Therefore local "heroes" in the East of Ukraine rebelled so America can't attack Russia.
Therefore America ordered to shoot down MH17 so now it can attack Russia for sure!
(applause, lights off)