I'll try answer as best as I can.Brah wrote:As I understand it, Apple is not big on USB for iPad connectivity, if if one has a lot of offboard data like on an external hard drive, how best to connect that to an iPad?
Is there additional hardware required for the Apple version of a NAS, like an Airport (the Apple kind)?
For a lightweight user, could an iPad serve as that person's main PC?
I'm wondering about iTunes data, currently on a PC, how t make that available on an iPad with limited onboard storage.
This is probably too complicated for what Brah is trying to do.nakatago wrote:You need to wirelessly connect to the iPad; ssh, I think. For just videos, VLC will run a server for you and then you connect to this via a PC browser and just drag and drop files into the browser window to copy into the iPad.
He can handle itzzm9980 wrote:This is probably too complicated for what Brah is trying to do.nakatago wrote:You need to wirelessly connect to the iPad; ssh, I think. For just videos, VLC will run a server for you and then you connect to this via a PC browser and just drag and drop files into the browser window to copy into the iPad.
There is a pretty slick app called iFile, which lets you view documents on the iPad itself. You can sort them as you like, create folders and it's quite similar to what you'd do with a laptop/desktop. Also you can use iCloud or Dropbox with this, so you can keep things on the cloud and edit them on the iPad when you like. I also have Google Drive for locations to store files and I can open them directly on the iPad.the lynx wrote:I think it would be difficult to use iPad as the main PC. To support your storage and your needs for a PC, I suggest getting a Mac Mini. It functions "like" a CPU and is compatible to most models of computer monitors and keyboards. It has good storage size and processor and you can carry it anywhere you go. And you can use it with iPad.
I've been reading up on this. I might get one sooner or later and that would be my first Apple.
zzm9980 wrote: I'll try answer as best as I can.
As I understand it, Apple is not big on USB for iPad connectivity, if if one has a lot of offboard data like on an external hard drive, how best to connect that to an iPad?
1) What kind of data is it?
Primarily iTunes, with maybe some downloads from Yahoo email. PDFs.
Apple's model for iOS devices isn't to just dump data onto, you do it on a per-application basis depending on what data you're manipulating.
ok good to know
For office type documents and such, I recommend DropBox. Sync and manipulate the files that way. Or Google Drive if you use google docs, or Office360, etc.
There are occasionally audio/video files shared from another Dropbox user, but no Office docs
Is there additional hardware required for the Apple version of a NAS, like an Airport (the Apple kind)?
2) No. But I'm not quite sure what you're asking - What are you trying to do?
Same as above - access iTunes files which are currently onboard
For a lightweight user, could an iPad serve as that person's main PC?
3) Easily, depending on your definition of lightweight and the applications you normally use.
Yahoo email, YouTube (extensively for news back home, educational stuff), but no movies or entertainment, though that would be a added bonus as I'm sure that comes easily with an iPad
I'm wondering about iTunes data, currently on a PC, how to make that available on an iPad with limited onboard storage.
4) How much data?
iTunes about 8-10gb
Movies or Music?
Only music
Did you purchase it through iTunes?
no, but ripped via iTunes
If not, you can pay $25 a year for "iTunes Match" and it will all magically sync to the "cloud". Even if you pirated it. In fact, they even give you upgraded copies later on your PC. Think of it as "laundering music".
Interesting, but is there not a free amount of storage with Dropbox or other cloud services? Like in the other post, I don't want to start paying for things that don't cost me money now
Otherwise, yes you can sync everything to your iPad from iTunes via USB or WiFi. You do need the USB cable the very first time to set it up though.
Glad to hear as I always though iPads didn't have any USB, but I guess there are SUB-Lightening converter cables (see one more thing I need to buy....)
Please note that the untethered jailbreak for IOS 7.1.x was only released on July 1. There is absolutely no guarantee that future versions of IOS will be breakable because Apple constantly patches exploits.x9200 wrote:RE: jail breaking: you connect your ipad to a pc, you run the jailbreaking software, click "ok", wait, ipad restarts 2 or 3 times, voilà, you are done. Once you have it, it is completely transparent.
A new application will appear: Cydia. This is a package manager similar in functionality to the Apple store. You search Cydia for "Samba", click install, wait for the spring board to restart, go to the iPad settings, find Samba settings, define password for the user (root), click "enable". You are done and have access to the whole directory tree.
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