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Post by x9200 » Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:21 am

Never happened to me. Not even once.

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:47 am

Mi Amigo wrote: The weirdest (and most disgusting) time was when a well-dressed chap came up to me and then proceeded to show me some kind of medical paraphernalia that was connected to his body via various tubes and which included a bag with some evil-looking bodily fluids in it. This was in the area near the Merlion
Similar (but different) used to happen to me in Toa Payoh Hub. An old man in vest and shorts, and he had a 'urine bag' and tubing that used to hang down below the hem of his shorts. Hnnnn! :o

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Post by Beeroclock » Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:36 am

JR8 wrote:
Mi Amigo wrote: The weirdest (and most disgusting) time was when a well-dressed chap came up to me and then proceeded to show me some kind of medical paraphernalia that was connected to his body via various tubes and which included a bag with some evil-looking bodily fluids in it. This was in the area near the Merlion
Similar (but different) used to happen to me in Toa Payoh Hub. An old man in vest and shorts, and he had a 'urine bag' and tubing that used to hang down below the hem of his shorts. Hnnnn! :o
Effective strategy actually. I think I would pay up just to get away from the sight/smell.

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:52 am

Brings a whole new meaning to 'You've been Tangoed' :lol:

Advert - Tango Orangeman

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Max Headroom
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Post by Max Headroom » Mon, 07 Jul 2014 5:21 pm

JR8 wrote:
Max Headroom wrote:I really do wonder what's the story there though. What's with these people? Gambling addicts? Ah-long issues? Or Woodbridge escapees?
The auntie who has attempted doing it to me twice was similar, she just walked up as I was browsing the boxes of cereal in NTUC, no hello, no excuse me, nothing, just 'Can you give me $5?' [or very similar]. I actually think that's why it annoyed me SO much, as it was so brazen. No fake sob-story, not a street-beggar, nothing, just outright begging, inside a busy supermarket. I saw her in there again a few days later furtively wondering around, so maybe that's her patch.

The schmoozing uncle at the food-court. I expect he thought I was in the queue for that particular stall, and so was a captive victim.

Begging in public is illegal here (IIRC), maybe it's not in a private place?
I reckon it's an affliction of the mind. They're all nutters. Well, the wheelchair auntie selling tissues is for real of course. I tend to pass her a few dollars when I walk by the MRT here.

Oh, and every now and then I see a beggar smoking a fag. Gee whiz, how destitute could you be when you spend the few dollars you do have on cigarettes? Get a job, friendo.

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Post by Max Headroom » Mon, 07 Jul 2014 5:39 pm

ecureilx wrote:
JR8 wrote:
Max Headroom wrote:I really do wonder what's the story there though. What's with these people? Gambling addicts? Ah-long issues? Or Woodbridge escapees?
The auntie who has attempted doing it to me twice was similar, she just walked up as I was browsing the boxes of cereal in NTUC, no hello, no excuse me, nothing, just 'Can you give me $5?' [or very similar]. I actually think that's why it annoyed me SO much, as it was so brazen. No fake sob-story, not a street-beggar, nothing, just outright begging, inside a busy supermarket. I saw her in there again a few days later furtively wondering around, so maybe that's her patch....?

cost of living gone up I guess

previously the request was 2$ ...

I once to find out the story offered an old lady asking 2$ from people passing by why she need the money .... answer .. for dinner, when it was lunch time ..

and a few colleagues, Expats mostly, never failed to give her 2$ of more

her home turf is tampines / century square area ... and carefully she avoids Chinese looking people ...

Max headroom

I know enough Chinese old folks who have high 6 figure savings in the bank, own apartment, rent out a room or two, but still do part time work, some (though a rare few) directly ask money, or have no qualms asking others to buy food or rations ... because they all admit they are saving for a rainy day
Yeah, I've heard of them. The "when it's yellow, let it mellow" kind.

There's this chap I know who's always copping freebies from mates, because he has no money. But the reason he has no money is because he pours every single penny he's got lying around into this property he bought, which, by the by, was before the property market went nosebleed. Not only is this place now getting paid off double-time, but it has also appreciated quite a bit.

I'd love to be poor that way.

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